Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Oleg Kirillov visits from the HZDR in Dresden, Germany

Oleg Kirillov from the Helmholz-Zentrum, Dresden-Rossendorf, is visiting the department this week to interact with members of the Fluid Mechanics and Meteorology Group.  During the visit he is giving a seminar on Wednesday 19 March on “Instabilities in magnetized Keplerian flows at low magnetic Prandtl number“.   An abstract of the talk can be found here. […]

Michele Bartuccelli gives a talk at Durham University

Michele Bartuccelli is visiting Durham University today (Friday 14 March) to give a talk in the Numerical Analysis Seminar Series.  The title of the talk is “Sharp constants for the L-infinity norm on the torus and applications to dissipative partial differential equations“. In the talk he will obtain sharp estimates for the constants appearing in […]

James Wright speaks at dynamical systems conference in Japan

James Wright is in Japan at the RIMS Conference – The 6th CREST-SBM International Conference: New Directions in Applied Dynamical Systems, held at Kyoto University during 10-14 March.  He gave a talk on “The effects of time dependent dissipation on basins of attraction“, reporting on joint work with Michele Bartuccelli and Guido Gentile (Roma III).  […]

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