Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Sergey Zelik speaks at the Max Planck Institute

Sergey Zelik visited the Max PLanck Instiute for Mathematics in the Natural Sciences in Leipzig, and gave a talk on the 1st November in the Applied Analysis Seminar.  The talk was on “Infinite energy solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations in two space dimensions“.  The announcement and abstract can be found here.

NERC Doctoral Training Partners announced

The Minister for Universities and Science, David Willetts, announced on Monday 4 November that NERC will fund fifteen new Doctoral Training Partnerships, which specialise in training environmental science PhD students.   The press release can be found here. Surrey mathematics is part of a team with the University of Reading that has been awarded a DTP […]

Piotr Sulkowski visits from the University of Warsaw

 Piotr Sulkowski visited on Friday 1st  November from the University of Warsaw, to give a colloquium talk on “From random matrices to RNA interactions“.  The talk discussed the triple interface between mathematics, physics and biology.  An abstract follows: the theory of random matrices plays an important role in various branches of mathematics and physics. An […]

Sergey Zelik speaks at workshop in Berlin

Sergey Zelik is visiting the Weierstrass Institute in Berlin for a 3 day international workshop on “Extreme Nonlinear Optics & Solitons” held during 28-30 October.  The workshop covers nonlinear optics, light “bullets”, optical rogue waes, extreme pulses, fiber solitons, optical turbulence, and solitons in metamaterials.  Sergey is speaking on “Center manifold reduction for weakly interacting […]

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