Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

McOrist and Nieri speak at STAL2013 in Italy

Jock McOrist and PhD student Fabrizio Nieri attended STAL2013 on “Supersymmetric Theories on curved manifolds and Localization” which took place in Parma, Italy, at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the University of Parma, on  November 4-6 2013.  Jock spoke on “Quasi-topological localization of (0,2) linear sigma models” and Fabrizio spoke on “3D and 5D partition functions as […]

Michele Bartuccelli gives colloquium talk at Sheffield

On Wednesday 6 November, Michele Bartuccelli visited the Department of Mathematics at the University of Sheffield to give a talk in the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.  The title of the talk was “Obtaining estimates of the norm for solutions of dissipative partial differential equations“.  In the talk he addressed the problem of obtaining explicit and accurate […]

Sara Pasquetti co-organises conference in Parma, Italy

Sara Pasquetti is co-organiser of the conference “STAL2013: Supersymmetric Theories and Localization” which took place 4-6 November at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the University of Parma. The website for the conference is here. Background on the conference: recent years have seen increasing interest in constructing and studying supersymmetric gauge theories on curved […]

Sergey Zelik speaks at the Max Planck Institute

Sergey Zelik visited the Max PLanck Instiute for Mathematics in the Natural Sciences in Leipzig, and gave a talk on the 1st November in the Applied Analysis Seminar.  The talk was on “Infinite energy solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations in two space dimensions“.  The announcement and abstract can be found here.

NERC Doctoral Training Partners announced

The Minister for Universities and Science, David Willetts, announced on Monday 4 November that NERC will fund fifteen new Doctoral Training Partnerships, which specialise in training environmental science PhD students.   The press release can be found here. Surrey mathematics is part of a team with the University of Reading that has been awarded a DTP […]

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