Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Roulstone and mathematics of weather in the press

Roulstone’s book, Invisible in the storm: the role of mathematics in understanding weather, co-authored with John Norbury (Oxford), has been receiving major attention in the mathematics press recently.  It was reviewed in the American Mathematical Society Notices by Peter Lynch (link here); reviewed in The National (link here); and received an extensive review in the […]

Roulstone and mathematics of weather in the press

Roulstone’s book, Invisible in the storm: the role of mathematics in understanding weather, co-authored with John Norbury (Oxford), has been receiving major attention in the mathematics press recently.  It was reviewed in the American Mathematical Society Notices by Peter Lynch (link here); reviewed in The National (link here); and received an extensive review in the […]

Torrielli paper appears in Physical Review D

The paper “Dressing phases of AdS3/CFT2” by Alessandro Torrielli, in collaboration with Riccardo Borsato (Utrecht), Olof Ohlsson Sax (Utrecht), Alessandro Sfondrini (Utrecht), and Bogdan Stefanski (City University, London), has been accepted for publication in Physical Review D.  In the paper they determine the all-loop dressing phases of the AdS3/CFT2 integrable system related to type IIB […]

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