Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Torrielli's paper on spin-chain for strings accepted in JHEP

Alessandro Torrielli’s paper on “The all-loop integrable spin-chain for strings on AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4: the massive sector” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of High-Energy Physics.  The co-authors are Riccardo Borsato (Utrecht), Olof Ohlsson Sax (Utrecht), Alessandro Sfondrini (Utrecht), and Bogdan Stefansks (City U, London).  In the paper they bootstrap the […]

Ocean wave energy expert John Kemp visits department

Professor John Kemp, inventor and founder of OWEL visited the department today (10 July) to meet with the Surrey-OWEL research team (Hamid Alemi Ardakani, Matt Turner, and Tom Bridges).  He gave a history of research into OWEL and talked about some of the open problems in ocean wave energy harvesting using the OWEL configuration. Prof […]

Ocean wave energy expert John Kemp visits department

Professor John Kemp, inventor and founder of OWEL visited the department today (10 July) to meet with the Surrey-OWEL research team (Hamid Alemi Ardakani, Matt Turner, and Tom Bridges).  He gave a history of research into OWEL and talked about some of the open problems in ocean wave energy harvesting using the OWEL configuration. Prof […]

Two-day symposium on dynamical systems and biology

A two-day symposium on biological dynamics was held in the department on Monday and Tuesday (8-9 July) this week. It included speakers from Durham, Exeter, Imperial, Lille, Oxford, Nottingham, Manchester, UCL, and Surrey, with talks on a wide range of subjects including the dynamics of drug discovery, and the dynamics of sleep.  Fortunately it was […]

Zelik attends dynamical systems conference in Russia

Sergey Zelik attended the International Conference  on Dynamics, Bifurcations and Strange Attractors. It was held at Nizhny Novgorod State University in Russia during 1-5 July.  The conference was in memory of Prof L.P. Shilnikov.  The conference attracted 174 participants. Sergey gave a talk on “Counterexamples to the regularity of Mane projections and global attractors“.   […]

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