Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

String theory conference at Surrey

String-Maths UK 2013 was held at the University of Surrey on Friday-Saturday 10-11 May.  The conference was the 5th in a series which started in 2007.  The main aim of the conference was to bring together mathematicians and theoretical physicists working on ideas related to string theory and quantum field theory, to summarise current developments […]

String theory conference at Surrey

String-Maths UK 2013 was held at the University of Surrey on Friday-Saturday 10-11 May.  The conference was the 5th in a series which started in 2007.  The main aim of the conference was to bring together mathematicians and theoretical physicists working on ideas related to string theory and quantum field theory, to summarise current developments […]

Workshop on Biological Dynamics at Surrey in July

There will be a Workshop on Biological Dynamics, hosted by the Biosystems Group and the Dynamical Systems and PDEs Group, at the University of Surrey on Monday 8th to Tuesday 9th July.   The workshop is a joint event between PANDA and LDSG, both London Mathematical Society funded networks.  For further details, including travel information, see […]

Workshop on Biological Dynamics at Surrey in July

There will be a Workshop on Biological Dynamics, hosted by the Biosystems Group and the Dynamical Systems and PDEs Group, at the University of Surrey on Monday 8th to Tuesday 9th July.   The workshop is a joint event between PANDA and LDSG, both London Mathematical Society funded networks.  For further details, including travel information, see […]

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