Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Regelskis awarded EPSRC Fellowship

Vidas Regelskis, currently a Research Associate at the University of York, has been awarded an EPSRC Personal Fellowship.  The fellowship will be hosted by the Fields, Strings and Geometry Group at Surrey. The project title is “New algebraic structures inspired by gauge/gravity dualities“.  Vidas’ current website can be found here.

Regelskis awarded EPSRC Fellowship

Vidas Regelskis, currently a Research Associate at the University of York, has been awarded an EPSRC Personal Fellowship.  The fellowship will be hosted by the Fields, Strings and Geometry Group at Surrey. The project title is “New algebraic structures inspired by gauge/gravity dualities“.  Vidas’ current website can be found here.

Gourley's plant defence paper accepted to SIAM

Stephen Gourley has been involved in an ongoing collaboration with Rongsong Liu (University of Wyoming), Donald L. DeAngelis (US Geological Survey and the Department of Biology, University of Miami) and John P. Bryant (Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska) on how certain plants defend themselves against snowshoe hares in northern Canada and Alaska, and […]

Gourley's plant defence paper accepted to SIAM

Stephen Gourley has been involved in an ongoing collaboration with Rongsong Liu (University of Wyoming), Donald L. DeAngelis (US Geological Survey and the Department of Biology, University of Miami) and John P. Bryant (Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska) on how certain plants defend themselves against snowshoe hares in northern Canada and Alaska, and […]

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