Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Aston awarded UGPN grant joint with USA and Brazil

Philip Aston has been awarded an UGPN grant for cooperative research between Surrey, North Carolina State University (Prof Hien Tran) and the University of Sao Paulo (Prof Aluisio Segurado).  The project is on “Clinical Data Validated Mathematical Models of HCV Infection Dynamics: An Interdisciplinary Approach for the Prevention, Treatment and Control of HCV Infection“.  Treatment […]

Analysis Day at Surrey

“Analysis Day” was held in the department on Friday 01 February.  The aim was to showcase research in the department in the area of analysis and to welcome Bin Cheng, new Lecturer in the area of analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations.  See below for the programme. Analysis Day Programme: 11:00 J .Bevan: “Twist maps” […]

Sara Pasquetti seminar at Cambridge

Sara Pasquetti gave a talk in the String Theory Seminar at the Mathematical Sciences Institute in Cambridge on 17 January.  The title of the talk was “Holomorphic blocks in 3 dimensions“.  In the talk she showed that sphere partition functions and indices of 3 dimensional, N = 2, gauge theories can be decomposed into a […]

Anna Chuter passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Anna Chuter for successfully passing her PhD viva on 22 January.  Anna’s thesis was on “A qualitative analysis of the data assimilation linked ecosystem carbon model DALEC“.  Anna was supervised by Philip Aston and Anne Skeldon with help from Ian Roulstone.  The examiners were Professors Shaun Quegan (Sheffield) and Rebecca Hoyle.  An abstract […]

Hydon's paper accepted to FoCM

Peter Hydon’s paper, co-authored with his former PhD student Tim Grant, on “Characteristics of conservation laws for difference equations” has been accepted for publication in the journal Foundations of Computational Mathematics.  The paper sets out the difference analogues of some well-known results on conservation laws, including a proof that the converse of Noether’s Theorem holds […]

Gary Chaffey wins PGR poster competition

At the University of Surrey PGR conference on 30 January, Gary Chaffey won the prize for the best poster.  The title of his poster was “Modelling the cell cycle” (see above for miniature version).  Gary’s PhD project is jointly supervised by Anne Skeldon and David Lloyd in Mathematics and Norman Kirkby in Chemical Engineering.  A […]

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