Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Morris' paper accepted to Math Proc Camb Phil Soc

Ian Morris’ paper on “Extremal sequences of polynomial complexity“, joint with Nikita Sidorov (University of Manchester) and Kevin Hare (University of Waterloo, Canada), has recently been accepted for publication in the Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.  A summary of the paper follows.  The joint spectral radius of a finite set of square matrices […]

Morris' paper accepted to Math Proc Camb Phil Soc

Ian Morris’ paper on “Extremal sequences of polynomial complexity“, joint with Nikita Sidorov (University of Manchester) and Kevin Hare (University of Waterloo, Canada), has recently been accepted for publication in the Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.  A summary of the paper follows.  The joint spectral radius of a finite set of square matrices […]

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