Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Carina Dunlop speaks at a pharmacology network meeting held at the University of Reading

Carina Dunlop visited the University of Reading today (Thursday 13 July) to speak at the Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Network meeting. Her talk was on “Integrating mechanistic cancer models into pre-clinical drug trials: a spatially resolved model to predict tumour growing fractions“. The meeting (link here) was attended by both academics and representatives from the […]

LMS and IMA award grants to Cesare Tronci to fund a visitor from Italy and attend a conference in France

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) has awarded a travel grant of 1k to Cesare Tronci. It funds a visit of Nicola Sansonetto, from Verona (see screenshot below), in the Autumn. Cesare and Nicola plan to work on the holonomy and nontrivial monodromy of quantum vortices in Madelung hydrodynamics. Separately, the Institute for Mathematics and its […]

Vaibhav Gautam speaks at the 20th SEMP Seminar held at the University of Southampton

Vaibhav Gautam visited the University of Southampton on Thursday 29 June to speak at the 20th South East Mathematical Physics Seminar (link to the conference website here). Vaibhav spoke on “Matrix Entanglement“. Vaibhav is a PhD student of Masanori Hanada (Queen Mary University London, formerly University of Surrey). The picture below shows a part of […]

Daniele Farotti passes PhD viva

Many congratulations to Daniele Farotti for passing his PhD viva on Tuesday 4 July! The examiners were George Papadopoulos (KCL, external) and Martin Wolf (internal).  The title of the thesis is “Supergravity, supersymmetry and black holes“. Daniele’s supervisor was Jan Gutowski with second supervisor Alessandro Torrielli. The image below is a screenshot of the upper front page of one of his recent papers.

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