Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of David Lloyd on geometric singular perturbation theory published accepted in Nonlinearity

The paper “Analysing transitions from a Turing instability to large periodic patterns in a reaction-diffusion system“, co-authored by Christopher Brown (former Surrey student), Gianne Derks (Leiden, Netherlands), Peter van Heijster (Wageningen, Netherlands), and David Lloyd, has been accepted for publication in Nonlinearity. The paper provides new results towards an understanding of how periodic patterns transition […]

Cesare Tronci speaks in a webinar on “Structure-preserving fluid modeling” hosted by Los Alamos

On Friday 13 October, Cesare Tronci was invited to give the opening lecture at a Webinar, hosted by Los Alamos Laboratory, on “Structure-Preserving fluid modeling“. The webinar was organised by Josh Burby at Los Alamos and Chris Eldred at Sandia. The title of Cesare‘s talk was “Mixed quantum-classical dynamics and its closure models”. Other speakers […]

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