Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

New Centre linking Surrey and Zhejiang Normal University and led by Sergey Zelik has official opening

The new Centre for Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems, which links Maths@Surrey with Maths@ZNU had its official unveiling last week (14 September) at ZNU in Jinhua China. The CIDDS (link here) is an international centre linking Zhejiang Normal University, China with the University of Surrey, UK. The Centre is led by Professor Sergey Zelik, and its […]

Paper of Ryan Poole and Matt Turner to appear in Fluid Dynamics Research

The paper “The Effect of Asymmetry on the Absolute Instability of Confined Jets and Wakes” authored by Ryan Poole and Matt Turner has been accepted for publication in Fluid Dynamics Research. This paper examines the absolute and convective stability properties for jet/wake flows which are confined asymmetrically between compliant walls. The flows are analysed using […]

Rachel Bernasconi and Esha Joshi attend the London Mathematical Biology Conference

Rachel Bernasconi and Esha Joshi are at the Francis Crick Institute in London this week (9-10 September) to attend the “London Mathematical Biology Conference” (website here). Rachel gave a talk this morning (Tuesday 10 September) on “The Shape of Sleep: How timescale separation reveals geometric structure in a mathematical model of the sleep/wake cycle” (based […]

Camilla Nobili speaks at the metastability conference held at the University of Leicester

Camilla Nobili visited the University of Leicester last week (3-5 September) for the “Metastability and Tipping 2024 Conference” (link here). The goal of the conference was to exchange recent results in mathematics and its applications around the theory of metastability for complex systems. Camilla gave a talk in the morning session on Thursday 5 September […]

Martin Wolf gives a talk at Gauge Invariance Workshop at the University of Mons in Belgium

Martin Wolf is in Belgium this week (9-12 September) at the workshop “Gauge invariance: quantisation and geometry“, held at the University of Mons in Belgium (conference website here). The workshop is in honour of Igor Batalin who co-authored with E. Fradkin and G. Vilkovisky the classical works on the compatibility of gauge invariance and quantisation. […]

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