Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Two new papers published by Stefan Klus

Stefan Klus has had two new papers published in the latter part of 2020. The paper “Kernel based approximation of the Koopman generator and Schrodinger operator“, co-authored with Feliks Nuske (Paderborn) and Boumediene Hamzi (Imperial College) was published in the journal Entropy, and chosen by the journal for a cover story (link here). The second […]

Leander Wyss passes PhD confirmation examination

Congratulations to Leander Wyss for passing his PhD confirmation examination. It was held on Tuesday 2nd February, and the examiners were Jan Gutowski and Andrea Prinsloo. The title of Leander’s project is “AdS3 Integrability: The Boost, the Algebra and the Representation“. His project is supervised by Alessandro Torrielli, with second supervisors Martin Wolf and Juan […]

Janet Godolphin’s paper on the construction of blocked factorial designs published by the Royal Statistical Society

The paper “Construction of blocked factorial designs to estimate main effects and selected two-factor interactions“, with sole author Janet Godolphin, has been published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology). The published version along with abstract can be found here. The image on the left shows an example of the […]

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