Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Tommaso Macrelli and Martin Wolf speak at Kyoto University Conference on Quantum Field Theory

Tommaso Macrelli and Martin Wolf are speaking this week at the YITP workshop “Homotopy Algebra of Quantum Field Theory and Its Application“, 24-31 March, in Kyoto and Online. Tommaso is speaking on “BV double copy from homotopy algebras. Part 2” and Martin is speaking on “Introduction to the BV formalism and homotopy algebras“. A link […]

Cesare Tronci organises upcoming week-long conference at the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation in Germany

Cesare Tronci, along with Irene Burghardt (Frankfurt), Denys Bondar (Tulane), Igor Mezic (Santa Barbara), and François Gay-Balmaz (Paris), are organising a week-long conference during 19-23 April at the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation in Hanau, Germany. The conference topic is “Koopman Methods in Classical and Classical-Quantum Mechanics“. In addition to Cesare, speaking from Surrey are […]

Rebekah Aspinwall speaks at IMA sponsored Undergraduate Research Conference

Rebekah Aspinwall, a final year BSc student in Mathematics, was an invited speaker at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) Undergraduate Research Conference called “Tomorrow’s Mathematicians Today“. It was held on 6-7 March, hosted by the University of Greenwich, and delivered virtually. The title of Rebekah’s talk was “Mechanistic underpinning of phenomenological cancer […]

Paper of Sergey Zelik on infinite energy solutions published in Transactions of the AMS

The paper “Infinite energy solutions for weakly damped quintic wave equations in R^3“, co-authored by Xinyu Mei (Lanzhou University), Anton Savostianov (Uppsala University), Chunyou Sun (Lanzhou University), and Sergey Zelik, has been published in this month’s issue of the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. A link to the published version is here, and a […]

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