Managing Exam Stress!

Exam season can be a particularly stressful time, but there are effective strategies to manage and reduce stress. One of the most important steps is to establish a balanced routine that includes regular breaks, physical activity, and adequate sleep. Consistent study schedules, incorporating short breaks every hour, can help maintain focus and prevent burnout. Physical activities, such as a quick walk or yoga session, are excellent for reducing stress hormones and improving concentration. Additionally, ensuring you get 7-9 hours of sleep each night is crucial, as sleep is vital for memory consolidation and cognitive function!

Another key strategy is practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques. Mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing and meditation, can significantly reduce anxiety and improve mental clarity. Apps like Headspace or Calm offer guided sessions specifically designed for stress relief. It’s also beneficial to take advantage of campus resources, as knowing where to access support and advice during the exam period can help you feel more confident and prepared.

Finding the right study space can make a big difference during exam season. On campus, students have several great options such as MySurrey Dot and MySurrey Hive, both of which offer a comfortable environment perfect for group studying. The IT labs provide excellent resources for those who need computer access, while the library remains a favorite with its extensive resources and designated silent study areas. Each of these locations are designed to support students’ needs during this busy time, offering both collaborative and individual study spaces.

In addition to study spaces, campus food and drink offers can help keep you fueled and refreshed. Hillside Cafe is providing free refills on tea and coffee all day for just £2, a much-needed perk for those long study sessions. Over at Hillside Food Courts, you can grab a fresh smoothie for just £1 or a hot bowl for only £2.50, ensuring you have healthy and affordable meal options. These amenities are designed to support students through the demanding exam period, providing both the physical space and nutritional boosts needed to succeed. Their opening times are:

Hillside Cafe:

Monday – Friday = 7:30am – 7:00pm, Saturday & Sunday = 10:30am – 4:00pm

Hillside Food Court:

Monday – Friday = 10:30am – 8:00pm

For more information view our website:,11H80,2K7C2L,47ZF8,1