Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

A New, Post-Berezovsky Era?

With the death of Boris Berezovsky over the weekend, old rumours and speculation were in abundance in the British media. It is being widely suggested that he may have taken his own life, a not unlikely scenario considering the huge personal and financial losses he had suffered in recent times. On the other hand, many […]

Whose fault is everything?

This week i have watched the unedifying saga of the Cypriot bailout with rather less disbelief than I would have liked: given the length of negotiations, it is somewhat surprising that everyone is washing their hands of it, but at least it suggests that all involved recognise the bad politics (and the questionable economics) of […]

The End of Europe

As the Cold War ended and the Soviet Union collapsed, Western ideas looked set to dominate global politics for some time to come. Quickly, however, the West began to shrink and to become synonymous with the USA as Europe became increasingly preoccupied with the enlargement as well as deepening of the integrationist project. One interesting […]

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