Doing a Masters in Event Management at Surrey

Who said doing a masters can’t be fun? This is surely not the case for my MSc in Event Management!!

My course is located in the school of Hospitality and Tourism in Stag Hill Campus (main campus). It is a 12 months course starting in September and ending the following September. It is intensive in terms of study content and organisation. The classes tend to have a max of 100 students. Most students are international, however, there are also some European and British students. Teachers are extremely knowledgeable about the subjects as they all worked in the industry.

Before lock-down the routine was changing quite often, classes in the first semester were running from Tuesday to Friday with some meetings and seminars in the middle. I am the course rep for my course and it is an excellent opportunity to collect everyone’s ideas and concerns about the course and report it to the program leader. We had some monthly meetings in order to follow up the situation and everyone’s’ feelings about the running of the course.

Second semester was supposed to be the “put in practice” with lots of field trips, people from the industry coming and sharing experience and creating our very own event on campus. Unfortunately, because of this lock-down we have not been able to do many things. We are having online classes and had to cancel all our field trips because of the current situation, however, we have been able to turn in our assignment even without the “real life” experience.


Due to the pandemic, I unfortunately can’t continue the ‘on-campus’ aspect of my masters degree. However, the University of Surrey gave me unforgettable memories and life saver tips that will always stay with me. For this reason I want to share with you some advice for student starting in September:

  1. Join as many societies as you can in order to get to know as many people as possible
  2. Join clubs and sports in order to stay fit during Uni life
  3. Surrey campus is the best, get the most out of it
  4. It is very close to London (enjoy it!)
  5. Accommodation experience turned out to be the best of my life
  6. I found a job in town in Hollister, find a job in order to pay for your expenses
  7. Travel if you can and explore UK
  8. Meet lots of people and don’t be scared to do the first move
  9. Guildford is really beautiful (discover it)
  10. Last but not least, don’t leave assignment at last minute 🙂
UoS lake on campus
Waterpolo Team Surrey (Proud of it)