Hi everyone, I’m Josh from TheScoopShop, a sports supplementation company trying to change the way people buy and consume supplements. I am a law student on my placement year on the PTY Enterprise Pathway (PEP).
This month has been largely more of the same, trying to find new and interesting ways to get my brand, TheScoopShop, out there for people to see and enjoy. I have been in recent discussions with a local gym regarding a pop-up stall on the premises which should really get the brand and products in front of my target audience – something that I struggled with at the cube opening (23/10/21). While the cube opening was a great networking event and was very inspirational, in terms of promotionally it was not quite what I and TheScoopShop needed. As my products are solely for gym and fitness enthusiasts there simply was not enough of my target audience present on the day. It was great to hear from so many people about their ideas and how they have overcome their own problems challenges in the business world.
I have also started working withtwo online influencers across TikTok, Youtube and Instagram to increase exposure online and to even just get their own feedback regarding the quality of the products and the purchasing experience.
This past weekend (02/10/21)was also the Arnold Sports Festival in Birmingham, which famously comprises of a Bodybuilding show, fitness expo and Strongman/powerlifting events. Expo’s and trade shows are one of the best ways for brands in the health and fitness sector to grow as they are introduced to masses of potential customers and next year I am planning to target several of them myself as a company. Seeing the queues online for some brands and individuals like Foresight and Supplement Needs where people were waiting for hours just to take a selfie or get a free sample just reaffirms my confidence in this market as being large and passionate enough to try to occupy a small part and be very successful.
I have also started in the early stages of designing my own product in the ilk of the samples I sell currently. While this is currently not possible to create due to costs owing to global shortages of raw ingredients and plastics it is 100% something, I will be looking into making a reality in 2022. I am yet undecided how this will work alongside TheScoopShop replace it or if it something I will develop completely separately.

If you would like to check out my last VLOG you can find that at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8EhLVMeVC0&ab_channel=UniofSurreyStudentEnterprise
That’s all for now, see you all next month for my Vlog!