I’m Sofia and I’m the founder of FreedomFit, the nutrition and fitness company without the restriction and without the obsession. I’m one of the students completing the Enterprise Pathway placement year with Surrey Student Enterprise, working on starting my own company whilst receiving support and funding. FreedomFit works to bring together personal trainers and registered nutritionists, helping young adults build a healthy relationship with food and exercise whilst becoming better educated in nutrition and fitness.
Progress with clients
As you’ll know from my March Vlog, last month I gained my first paying client for online coaching. I have now been working consistently with this client for just over a month! Some great progress has already been seen and we’ve also been having weekly check-ins to go over exercise form, doubts and any questions that they have.
It’s also been a great opportunity for me to focus on how to best manage my time to ensure the client gets the best experience possible. In addition, it has given me the chance to see how I could potentially make the online coaching side of the business work alongside myself completing the final year of my Nutrition degree in the coming academic year.
The month ended with a consultation for a new potential client hopefully starting in the coming weeks. It’s fair to say gaining those first few initial clients is a slow process, but I firmly believe that once I have the first few established, through word of mouth and client testimonials others will show interest too!
Is there potential for app development to return?
If you saw or read any of my early vlogs or blog posts, then you’ll know that I originally wanted to develop the FreedomFit app. I wanted it to be a place where clients could access their workouts in an interactive format, be able to post on a community feed and interact with other FreedomFit clients, access educational blog posts and speak directly to their online coach and registered nutritionist.
However, developing an app is an expensive investment and therefore I put it on the backburner temporarily until financially it seemed more viable. I have recently spoken to James, who developed the Roome app, about what approach he took to see if there was a more cost-effective way to go about it. He offered some great advice and input when it comes to app development, however, I think for now, the app is not essential for the running of the business but has potential as a nice add-on sometime in the future.
Workshop development
I’ve met with Vincenzo, who is the Entrepreneur in Residence for Surrey Student Enterprise, to discuss workshop content in detail. He has helped me finalise an outline of the content for the first 5 workshops. However, as I am still midway through my Nutrition degree, I cannot yet deliver the workshops myself. As I mentioned last month, I have recently partnered with four different registered nutritionists and therefore I hope to collaborate with them for the workshops, both in regard to finalising content and delivering them. This will ensure that content is delivered by those who are highly qualified and will also increase exposure of the current online coaching services FreedomFit offers to a wider audience.