The Professional Training Placement Experience

Follow our current students through their Professional Training placements.

My engineering placement at Stanhope-Seta

Hello, Surrey students! My name is Lizzie and I have started a placement in August 2020 at Stanhope-Seta as a Mechanical Design Engineer. First and foremost, for those of you who don’t know me, I am the course representative for Aerospace Engineers currently on placement. I am studying on the 5 year MEng course, currently […]

My Nutrition Placement at Yakult UK

Hello! My name is Raffaella and I am originally from South Africa. I study a BSc in Nutrition and am currently on placement at Yakult working in Science Communication. What is Yakult? It is a Japanese company that sells a fermented milk drink that contains a unique strain of bacteria! I began my placement in […]

Adulting 101- A Placement in her majesty’s government!

To introduce myself – I’m Joao, an Economics student on placement at Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). I started in August this year so only a couple of months ago. My first week was no different from the rest of the starters; The very first day, the very first morning, whilst waking up, I was left pondering on how the day would be like – feeling a bit anxious as I had no idea what I should be expecting.

My First 3 Months as a Marketer for LT Harper

Hey, guys! My name is Laura, I’m an English Literature with Creative Writing student currently on placement as a Digital and Social Marketer for LT Harper, Cybersecurity Recruitment. 3 months later, I thought I’d share a bit about how fantastic my placement has been for me so far, for those of you who are unsure […]

A Scientifically Computed NHS

Learning by doing Before starting my placement whenever I wished to learn a new programming language my first instinct would be to attempt completing some sort of online course; however, this would typically become a tedious practice. Whereas, whilst working for the NHS I attempted to learn by “doing” and figured out that this is […]

The Key to Working at NHS – A Scientific Computing Placement

First, let me introduce myself, my name is Afonso. I am originally from Lisbon, Portugal having lived there for 18 years, and later on, moving to Guildford to start my bachelor’s in Computer Science with the University of Surrey. I am currently employed by the NHS in the Department of Oncology and Medical Physics, located […]

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