Всем привет! Сегодня я вас познакомлю с Гилдфордом и расскажу, что тут находится, и куда можно путешествовать. Гилдфорд находится в Графстве Суррей – это около 30 минут от Лондона на поезде и около часа езды от Саутгемптона. Хоть Гилдфорд и кажется маленьким городком, но тут есть все, что нужно студенту. Тут много милых кафе, ресторанов, а так же магазины, кинотеатр, каток, музей, театр, два супермаркета и, конечно, станция, откуда можно отправиться в любую точку Англии.
Hello everyone,
Today I will introduce you to Guildford and I will tell you all about what Guildford has to offer and where you can travel. Guildford is in the heart of Surrey, it is located 30 minutes away from London and one hour away from Southampton. It may look like a small town at first glance, but Guildford has a lot to offer and it has everything that a student needs.

Let’s begin with shopping, there are plenty of shops that will suit your taste. Believe me, because I myself came to Guildford from Moscow and Guildford surprised me because it offers all the shops that students need and there is no need to travel to London. There are a lot of places to explore in Guildford, you can find your favourite cafe/restaurant or spend your monthly allowance in the shopping centre. Majority of shops are located on the high street and the Friary shopping centre, brands like Zara, Mango, Superdry, Muji, Hollister, Urban Outfitters, COS, Massimo Dutti and many others.

The second important subject is food; so Guildford is famous for its very cosy cafes, pubs and restaurants, and if you are coming from a big city such as London and Moscow, you will be surprised to see a lot of Restaurants in Guilford. My personal favourites, are the Ivy Guildford and Cote brasserie if you are feeling particularly fancy, the best pizza is in Positano and Jamie’s Italian. If you are a fan of French and British food check out the March Hare. There is also places for you to try out such as Wagamama’s, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Express and McDonald’s. If you want to cosy up and spend your afternoon at a café these are my suggestions: Harris and Hoole, Starbucks, Coffee Culture, Canopy Caffe, Pret a Manger, Caffe Nero and many others.

And finally pubs! There is no better place to spend your Friday evening with your friends than in a pub. I and my friends go to a pub every Friday to relax and reflect on our productive week over a beer or mulled wine. Our personal favourites are The Britannia, King’s Head and Five and Lime. Going to a pub is a part of British culture, pubs are a perfect place to socialize with friends over a drink or two, but if you are not a drinker they also serve soft beverages.
A trip to London!

If you feel like you have spare time on your weekend I would recommend travelling to London. It is just 30 minutes away from Guildford, just pop on the train from Guildford station to the London Waterloo, fast and convenient. Every time I visit London I see it in a different light, it is a big, diverse and vibrant city what an amazing gateway with your friends. If you want to see the financial and business centres visit London City and Canary Wharf if you are a fan of shopping go and visit Oxford Street and Knightsbridge. During winter time check out Natural History Museum’s Ice Rink it’s an absolute must. London is also famous for its galleries and museums; The National Gallery, Tate Modern, Victoria and Albert Museum and many others.

That’s it from me now! Have a productive week and I will see you next week with my new updates.