Hello everyone! Exams are finally over and we can relax. I guess that a lot of you are wondering what is a reading week and what do university students do after their exams. First of all, a reading week is a week of no lectures and seminars after your exams, you are free to do what you want. It is a perfect time to recharge and enjoy your little holiday, it is also a great opportunity to catch up with your friends. Here, I will share what I did during my reading week and where I went.
Reading week Part1- Trip to London
I had a lot of plans for my reading week so first things first, I went to London for a couple of days to visit my friends. I was very excited to go to London because I could finally really explore this beautiful city and not rush back to Guildford.
Here is how my journey has started:
– I went to the Guildford train station which is approximately 10 minutes away by bus from Manor Park
-I bought a ticket to London Waterloo station and found my train
-Guildford is close to London, so 35 minutes later I was at the London Waterloo station
London Waterloo station is very close to the city centre, it’s just 15-20 minutes to the Millenium Bridge (perfect picture spot). But if you do wish to take a tube, Waterloo underground station has four lines: Jubilee, Nothern, Bakerloo, Waterloo&City which can take you anywhere in London.

In London, I was blessed with sunny weather, surprise, surprise it’s not always raining in London. On this very special occasion, I got my camera ready and prepared myself to walk a lot. London is very big and dynamic compare to Guildford, men in suits running around the Bank Station, tourists taking yet another picture of St.Pauls Cathedral or a Millenium Bridge and here you are in the middle of this rush.
I visited all my bucket list places: Tower Bridge, London City, Knightsbridge and Kensington. This was a magical experience, I reconnected with my friends, took a lot of pictures, ate delicious food and created new memories. I thought that by the night London would become a bit quieter, but no, London does not sleep! When the sun went down, London was lightened up by a lot of lights it was beautiful. Streets became less busy as people went to the restaurants, so remember to reserve your place otherwise you won’t find a place to dine in. After lovely dinner streets were busy again, local Londoners went to pubs (there are a lot of pubs in London) and tourists continued to take pictures of London at night.
Reading week Part2- Getting ready for semester 2
My lovely trip to London has come to an ended, now I’m back in Guildford and to be honest, I did miss our lovely town. I love how you know everyone in this town when you enter a coffee shop a barista knows your name and your order, and how everyone it is safe here. And again the weather was lovely, I’m surprised how sunny and warm it was during this week.
It’s called reading week for a reason, we do get some material to read and prepare ourselves for semester 2. I had to print some materials for my upcoming lectures, buy some books and read a World Economic Forum Report for one of my modules.

That’s it from me I hope you’ve discovered what is a reading week and what do student do after their exams.
Дорогие друзья! У многих студентов в Англии есть неделя чтения после экзаменов, на этой неделе вы можете отдохнуть, путешестовать по разным городам Англии и конечно же подготовиться к следующему учебному семестру. Я надеюсь вам понравился мой рассказ о моей поездки в Лондон, и чем я занималась на неделе чтения. Всем пока и до скорых встреч!