Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog, today I would like to share my experience with the online teaching at the University of Surrey. From 23 of March all learning, teaching and assessments are delivered online through Surrey Learn. Surrey learn is a Virtual Learning Environment where you can access lecture slides, notes, assessment information, module information, your timetable etc.

Support from the University 🎓
Whilst all the academic buildings and facilities on campus are closed, the University is still providing all the necessary help online. Whether it is an academic enquiry or a wellbeing concern, our friendly staff are always here to support you. The Centre of Wellbeing is providing multiple virtual events and workshops about sensitive topics such as anxiety and self-care. In terms of academic support, you can always email your Academic Hive with enquiries about modules, assessments, extenuating circumstances and placements. In order to ease academic worries, the University introduced a “safety net” policy for every student, this policy guarantees that your final grade won’t be lower than your first-semester average. The latest information for current students, staff and prospective students can be found here.
The change in my daily routine 📕📗📘
As I mentioned previously, all of my lectures are pre-recorded, tutorials, seminars and labs are delivered through Zoom and Microsoft Teams. You no longer need to go to the campus and sit in the lecture halls, and yet you still have to maintain your daily routine. I don’t know about you, but I feel disorganised if I don’t have a proper routine. There is something about that feeling when you know what exactly you have to do, and when a certain task needs to be completed. I love a slow start to my morning, I like to take time to get ready, go for a run, have a proper breakfast and then start my work. As all of the lectures are pre-recorded and I can listen to them whenever I want to, so I plan my day around seminars.

Everyday pleasures ✨
During this overwhelming time don’t forget to appreciate the simple things such as this warm weather, healthy meal and whatever brings your joy. Currently, in the UK, we are blessed with the sunshine and warm temperature, so change your workplace. Go for a run around your house, here in Manor Park I’m lucky to have two football fields where I can do my daily exercises and still respect the social distancing rules. Since I have so much free time on my hands, I’ve started to cook proper meals and actually enjoy the cooking time. No more rush meals, no more quick bites because you lecture starters in 10 minutes. Now I can enjoy pancakes for breakfast, I can cook and take time to indulge, simple pleasures like that make my day better and more enjoyable. I also like to experiment with my recipes and cook something that I thought was challenging. What are your daily pleasures?
Assignments 📖
May is usually a period of the end of year exams, however, due to the current situation, the way we are assessed has changed. It depends on your department and module leaders, but the majority of my exams got cancelled and instead of that I have 3 courseworks which are due at the end of May, I also have one virtual group assignment and an online exam. You might ask me how does online teaching differentiate with normal/face-to-face teaching? Some of you are prospective students and you worry about the way online classes are delivered, but let me reassure you, that the standard of education hasn’t changed. Professors have mastered the online teaching platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, they regularly respond to their emails. For me, online classes feel like normal classes, the way information that is delivered haven’t changed. If I have a question I can always email my tutor or lecturer, they respond to their emails faster and if we need to book an office hour, we can do so through Zoom.

Дорогие друзья! Сегодня, я хотела бы поделиться с вами своим опытом с онлайн обучением в University of Surrey. С 23 марта все обучение, преподавание и аттестация осуществляются онлайн через Surrey Learn. Surrey learn – это виртуальная учебная среда, в которой вы можете получить доступ к слайдам лекций, заметкам, информации об оценке, информации о модуле, вашему расписанию и т. д. Университет не перестает поддерживать своих студентов в эти непростые времена, многие здания закрыты, поэтому помощь оказывается онлайн. Желаю вам быть позитивными в новых реалиях жизни! До новых встреч!