Exams and The First Snowfall…

Hey Guys ๐Ÿ™‚

Eggy here! It’s currently exam season and you can just tell from the eyebags and extra double shots of espresso coffee cups filling up the bins in the library, that it is that time of the year.

So I’m gonna update you guys with a quick blog post on what has been happening the past week! Besides being in the library all day, and I mean all day from 12-6pm, I’ve been trying to eat healthy and also heading to the gym or getting some form of exercise to keep my brain muscles working and also letting the endorphins work their magic!

I can honestly say that I have not been anywhere else further than campus and tescos for two weeks now. hahah and when you build that routine of going to the library everyday, you start seeing the same people and you guys both have that look in your eyes that screams… “ah. you again… just one day closer to graduation …” hahaha.

So because it is the first day of exam week tomorrow, students started returning to campus about two weeks ago and the library has gotten so packed… and I mean really packed because it has become a “survival of the fittest” scenario with trying to find a computer space to study in the library on all floors !! but Thankfully, the library here at Surrey has got to be one of the best and most resourceful because I always do end up finding a computer even if that means, I’ve had to circle level 2/3/4 and then find myself back on level 2. hahahaa

*Did you know that the library also offers students a laptop-rental service when all computers are occupied ?! How cool is that…


So that’s karen and I … aka. Keggy. We’ve literally been library buddies every since she’s been back which is for two weeks consecutively now hahaha but it’s always nice when you have someone to look foraward meetingย  everyday, even if it’s at the least exciting place. hahaha Thanks Karen ! ๐Ÿ™‚

Remember when I said, I was trying to eating healthier as well?


This is something that I made yesterday! Can you guys guess what it is? If you guess chicken nuggets… Sorry guys, it’s actually cauliflower! and it suprisingly tasted really good!! It’s an alternative for vegans and it didn’t taste as gross as I imagined it to be!


Also, with studying in the library, it gets so much harder to eat healthy but I started packing meals and bringing healthier snacks so my cravings are satisfied during study hours… (this is a student hack btw cause you actually save so much money!!) And of course, I let myself have the occasional Green Tea Soya Latte from Starbucks which just hits the spot on the colder days!

Speaking of colder days, We had our first snowfall a few days ago!


Here’s Manor Park the day after the snowfall before the sun came out and melted it all to slush! It was so nice to have some snow to acoompany the bitter cold, especially when my family in Switzerland continuosly bombarded me with pictures of the heavy snowfall they had a few days before it snowed here!


Lastly, here’s a shoutout to my friend Jordan! He left yesterday for his placement programme in Australia! I’m going to miss him so much but with technology… it really gets easier to stay in touch with people worldwide!

Anyways, For my Singaporean Readers out there! I will be going back to Singapore next month so if anyone is up for meeting up if you have any questions about Surrey University, I’d be up for that! ๐Ÿ™‚ Just Instagram -Message me at @Ekklezia

Here’s wishing everyone GoodLuck for exams and Hope everyone else will have an amazing week ahead!

