UKSSC Dinner&Dance 2015


The United Kingdom Singapore Student Council (UKSSC) had their annual dinner & dance in Millennium Gloucester Hotel in London last Saturday, 14th of March. Partner societies from all over the country gathered for a wonderful night of sumptous food and activities! It was also an extremely good opportunity for networking, especially with Universities not located in the South.

(By the way, did you know that the 14th of March also happened to be Albert Einstein’s birthday AND Pi day (3.14), a delicious coincidence?)

The UKSSC, formed in August 1998, is an independent student-led organisation that aims to create a bona fide Singapore student community across the UK. Some of the events that UKSSC have organised included Chinese New Year Carnival, Captain’s Ball Singapore League, Nothern Singapore Societies Laser Tag and of course the Aunnal Dinner & Dance! The UKSSC have also supported Singsoc in their Nottingham Winter games and Warwick Summer games.

Click here to find out more about UKSSC :

So, 5 of us from Uni Surrey attended the dinner, all current and former Singsoc committee members. Divya- Current President,  Myself -Current Vice-President, Hian Lee- Treasurer, Crystal- Former President, Amirah- Former Treasurer

Each University was randomly organised to different tables and we were seated with the University of Exeter, which was perfect cos I have friends there! SO the event started officially at 730pm. And as with most formal dinners, we were treated to a 3-course meal starting with Wild Mushroom soup, followed by main Roast Chicken Breast with olive crushed new potatoes, and finally Poached Pear with vanilla cream dessert.



There was also somewhat a game of Monopoly played where each table was given random coloured cards of the various Universities and we had to go around searching & negotiating with other tables to get a set of same coloured cards (only that in the actual Monopoly they are coloured houses!) IT WAS NOT EASY NEGOTIATING WITH FELLOW SINGAPOREANS, WE ARE ALL WAY TOO SMART!

TAADAAAA! This is how it looks like!


The event ended about 10 odd pm afterwhich some of us with people from University of Leeds decided to paint the town red and hunted for clubs in Soho. We picked one finally and it was super crowded plus the drinks were so pricey, but hey anything for a fun night out! Lucky lucky me, I had a Singapore Airlines crew friend whom I know from secondary school who flew over coincidentally on that Saturday, so I bunked with her after we ended our night. THANK YOU AMANDA. Yup, all in a days work! 🙂

What a wonderful and rewarding experience! I would definitely encourage everyone if given the opportunity to be brave and run to be a part of the Singsoc committee, the exposure and experience gained is priceless.

Few more photos from that night, ENJOY!



