Surrey meets Singapore

My life and experience as an international student at Surrey

Canada to US

Hello guys! How is everyone doing lately? The weather has been changing (Winter to Spring), but there’s more sun now! For this Easter, I am off to visit my aunt and family in Canada!   It snowed today (EVEN IN SPRING!), which makes me feel really blessed that Surrey isn’t that crazy 🙂 It’s really […]

Spring Break, Easter and Finally Sunshine!

Hey Guys! I hope everyone’s doing well! It has been so stressful the past two weeks before Easter break. I feel like all I’ve been up to was submission after submission, filling up coursework submission forms consistently and just refreshing my email to check up on any placement emails! Simultaneously, I was trying to juggle […]

Spring Break!

Hello lovelies! Spring/Easter break is HERE!! It is a vacation that is approximately 3 weeks long! (akin to our June/December holidays)  This is one of the benefits of studying in the UK, you get to enjoy a lot more holidays as compared to SG. In UK, we have Winter break in December till January, Easter […]

Korean Day

Hello everyone! It has been really hectic lately and it is especially so for Final Year students! The workload is pretty similar to studying in Polytechnic in your Final Year, but without FYP/ dissertation! (That’s just for my course, not applicable to all courses though!) If you’re thinking that studying abroad is “easier”, then you’re […]

Varisty 2016 !

LET’S GO SURREY LET’S GO !!  Varisty is a day where Surrey celebrates a day of sports where all the Team Surrey Sports teams will play competitvely against the sports teams from Kingston University. This has been the 6th Year in a row we have won Kingston’s sports teams overall. Hence our ‘motto’ is… we […]

International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s day everyone! It is a global day which celebrates the economic, social, cultural and political achievements of women. It is also a day which marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. For some it is a collective day for global celebration and for many others, it is an opportunity to […]

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