The Brighton field trip and the Isle of Wight trip

Hello! I am Wookjun again. This time I would like to talk about the field trip and trip to the isle of Wight. The field trip destination was Brighton. In my class, I took the module named Visitor Attraction Management. During this class, there was a chance to go to Brighton. Therefore, I was really lucky to go there.

The Brighton area was really good. Brighton has a beautiful pebble beach. Moreover, near Brighton, there has a place named Seven Sisters, so this place is really nice. Especially near Brighton beach, there are many sports events. Playing volleyball and basketball with many people looks interesting.

The Isle of Wight was also good for travel. In fact, I am writing a dissertation focused on ecotourism. This area is a place which is preserved well. The area is a really good place for after retirement, I thought.

These days, it’s very busy writing the assignments and dissertation. Always enjoy and enjoy, haha.

안녕하세요! 이욱준입니다.

요즘 과제와 논문을 작성하느라고 꽤나 바빴지만 그래도 짬을 내서 브라이튼 여행과 와이트섬을 다녀왔습니다. 브라이튼의 경우 visitor attraction management 답사 수업차원에서 와이트 섬은 생태관광 논문의 영감을 얻기 위해서 다녀왔습니다.

두 장소 다 여행하기 좋은 곳이라 생각이 들었습니다. 브라이튼은 각종 자연 자원과 추가적으로 함께 생동감이 넘치는 장소였고 와이트섬은 자연자원과 더불어 이를 꼭 보전해야되는 듯한 느낌이 들었습니다.

약간 바쁜 와중에 힘을 내기 위해서 여행을 했습니다~! 제가 더 노력을 하겠습니다.

Brighton pier
Brighton loyal palace
Isle of Wight hoverferry
Isle of Wight view