Welcome to my journey!! (This is very exciting as it’s my first blog!) 🙂
My name is Lucia Sanz Macareno, and I am in my final year of Mechanical Engineering. In this blog I’ll be giving you a short introduction about myself, and I’ll tell you what I’ll be writing in this blog for you.
To begin with, I am from Madrid, Spain, I lived there my whole life until moving out for university when I was 18. I used to go to a British school, where I sat both IGCSEs and A-Levels, this helped in the process of applying to universities in the UK. Moving abroad is a big step that honestly was hard at the beginning but with time it got easier and now I love it! I recommend this experience to everyone, as I think it was the best decision, it has helped to be more independent and more confident in myself.
I started at University of Surrey in Sept 2020 (which was Covid year… crazy ik but it all worked out!!)
In this blog, I plan on telling you my experiences living away from home, some advice that I think you would find useful, my life at University and how I manage to balance studying, work and living the student life! I hope you enjoy this and find it useful!!!
See you on the next blog!

(A photo of me (to the left) and my friends working at the Hispanic Society Freshers Fair stall)