We are a few weeks into self-isolation and lockdown now in the UK and it is proving much harder to stay motivated! However, despite these uncertain times, we do still have some commitments to complete such as university assessments and general working from home tasks. This blog will give you an insight into how to stay motivated and be as productive as you can!
Routine, To-Do Lists and Workouts
Having a routine is something that I have found really helpful in these unprecedented times. By sticking to a similar routine everyday and making a to-do list, it has helped me stay motivated. I really love crossing completed tasks off my list, its so satisfying! It also then visually looks like I have achieved something, even if it is only 1 or 2 things.

I would also recommend incorporating a daily workout into your routine as this is something that can make you feel so much better. Don’t worry if you’re not ‘fit’ (I most certainly am not) and feel like you won’t be able to complete the workout, just try your best. Something I like to do is the 5/7 minute workouts on YouTube. Once I’ve completed them I feel like I’ve achieved something, despite it being less than 10 minutes!
I think it is really important to reward yourself, I have found even simpler tasks are harder now due to the increasing anxiety and worry that comes within these times. Therefore, I like to try and reward myself even when I’ve done something that usually would be easy for me. It is important to remember that things might be harder now so even small accomplishments are fantastic. This also helps me stay motivated as I know there is a reward if I complete my goals! Make sure to not go overboard with rewards though! Types of rewards that I like to have are healthy snacks, watching an episode of my favourite TV show, painting my nails or reading a chapter in my book.
Take Regular Breaks
This really interlinks with my previous tip. Make sure to take regular breaks from being productive, otherwise you’ll burn yourself out. I think it’s important to remember that you’re not failing by taking a break, in fact breaks are even more important now! To be doubly productive, you can have your reward whilst taking your break! Give yourself the time you need to recharge.

Daily Exercise
Again, this links with my previous 2 tips, its so important to utilise the fact that we are allowed 1 hour daily exercise. If you live in a flat or house with no garden, it is especially important to make sure you do undertake your daily exercise! This can be a walk, jog, run or even a cycle, you can change it up everyday. Just remember to stay in the areas surrounding your home, stay 2 metres away from anyone not in your household and stick to the governments advice! Fresh air is so important and especially in these times, staying in your home can feel quite suffocating. So take a break, step outside and breathe in the fresh air!

I hope these tips will help you to stay as motivated as you can! Remember, these are such uncertain and unexplored times so don’t beat yourself up if you’re not as productive as you normally are because this isn’t a normal situation! Just try your best and most importantly stay safe and healthy.