Christmas is my favourite time of the year! Celebrating Christmas at university has always been magical and I’ve loved getting involved in so many different events. Each year I have done something completely new as well as some events which me and my flat have made into our own traditions, these really are some of my fondest memories when I think about my time at university. In this blog, I’ll be telling three things I’m looking forward to doing this university christmas!

Christmas Dinner
This is my first time celebrating Christmas with a sports team! Every year me and my flatmates have made a Christmas dinner which has always been an incredible bonding experience and always a lot of fun (despite the mid-cooking stress!). This year, as well as having a flat meal, I will be celebrating with my sports team – Lacrosse. We’re going out into Guildford for a meal which I’m really looking forward to. The social side of playing a sport has been just as much fun as playing lacrosse itself and I’ve loved getting to know people better and making new friends. Most societies and sports teams will hold a Christmas event which is definitely another reason to get involved!
Christmas lights switch on
This one has already happened but for me, really marks the start of the festive period. The event is in Guildford town and is for all of the community. This year there was a performance from the Surrey Angel cheerleaders which was amazing to watch! The Christmas lights in Guildford are really pretty and it really gets you excited for the rest of December. I’d 100% recommend going to events in the community, they’re a really great evening out and definitely something different for you and your friends to enjoy. My personal favourites are definitely the Christmas lights switch on and bonfire night. Check out more of what’s going on in town here!

Christmas Flirt
The last Friday night at Rubix (our Students’ Union nightclub) of the year and the last night out before going home for the winter break and during exams, this is definitely not one to miss! This has been my favourite night out every single year because it is just so much fun! The club is decorated with Christmas decorations, even fake snow, and fancy dress is definitely welcomed. It really gets me in the mood for celebrating Christmas at home and I’ve always had some fantastic memories from this night. It’s such a good night out that even my friends that have graduated are coming back to Guildford to celebrate!

There are definitely loads more things I could talk about that really make my Christmas at Surrey special. Special mention has to go to the annual santa fancy dress fun run around campus, watching festive movies in The SU venue: The Marquee and decorating our accommodation every year. There are so many magical memories to make, be sure to check out our Student Instagram page to see how our other students will be celebrating! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and, lastly, remember that if you need support there is still plenty available for you. You can find out more about our amazing support services here.