Sustainability Week at the University of Surrey

The University’s Sustainability Week, April 22~26, 2024, is back! Throughout the week, a fantastic variety of eco-friendly events are planned, ranging from net zero carbon and biodiversity to reuse and climate anxiety.

Events throughout the week

  1. SURREY: Green Impact auditor: SOS-UK will provide comprehensive training to Green Impact auditors in an IEMA-approved training session. After the course, you’ll have some time to study the university staff members’ Green Impact work and formulate questions. Then, you’ll have a staff meeting to discuss your audit and make any last decisions before sending off the results. It’s a fantastic chance to see how sustainability is implemented in business in the real world and develop new analytical, communication, and teamwork skills. You can sign up here.
  2. Hillside vs. Lakeside Soup Off: Watch the Head Chefs from Lakeside and Hillside compete! Free samples of soup and smoothies will be available! 24th April, 12-2pm, Austin Pearce Piazza.
  3. Student Garden sustainability special: Help seed the University’s student garden to help increase our campus biodiversity and ensure the newly installed beehives have a wonderful garden. Sign up here.
  4. Thursday market takeover and clothes swap: Visit the Thursday Market at Rubix for your regular fix of fresh vegetables and snacks. Why not attend our clothes swap with your unwanted clothing as well?
  5. Community fridge: Visit the Community Hub to receive complimentary food from our catering services. 25-26th April, 4:30-6:30pm.

There are several ways to get involved with sustainability at Surrey, from departmental accreditation programmes to volunteering opportunities. You can find out more about sustainability at Surrey here.