Dear readers,
Sveiki and hello – welcome to the first edition of my blog! If you are reading this, you are most likely or at least considering studying in the University of Surrey and have a gazillion of questions, don’t fret! I’ll do my best to answer as many of them as I can in the following blog posts, but for now, where’s my manners? Let me introduce myself.
My name is Tautvydas Kuliešius and if you are from Lithuania, that’s nothing special, but for everyone else – a tongue twister, and as a result, most people call me Toto, feel free to do so! For better or for worse, I’m not a typical student, I have been living in the UK for more than 7 years. My journey started out in the Scottish Highlands as a barman, then moved down to the English Riviera, where I became a head chef of a seaside hotel. Finally, I settled down in Guildford where I studied Guitar Performance in the Academy of Contemporary Music (ACM), but decided to change my university and now – a 2nd year Creative Music Technology student at the University of Surrey. As you can see, I’ve moved around and changed jobs, universities a few times and with that comes a bit of experience, some mistakes and tips I’ve picked up along the way. I hope to share some of them with you and to help you make up your mind, provide some insights on how studies have adapted to the Covid-19 pandemic and answer some of your burning questions.

You’re welcome.
Keep an eye out for more blogs where I’ll write about my road to Surrey in more detail, but for now until next time dear future student!
One Love,
Tautvydas a.k.a Toto