The “Hello!”

大家好! 我的名字是Paul,就讀旅館管理策略研究所一年級。接下來的一年我會在這個部落格和大家分享於薩里學習的經驗,當然也有節日或者出遊的照片以及心得。在此之前,先讓我小小的和各位介紹一下小編自己:

我在木柵 ─ 台北的鄉下地段長大。相信大家對於木柵的有名氣的事物並不陌生;比如包種茶,鐵觀音,非常多的文教機構,當然還有動物園。每每當小編談起我居住在木柵的事,對方都一致認為我常光顧動物園。其實我從小到大只去過三次,並且有兩次是校外教學,拜訪的次數甚至比不居住在木柵的人的還少。所以當談論到木柵的名產,我呢還是常推銷木柵之光 – 頑童MJ116!

我從九年級開始出國唸書。畢竟台灣的競爭力太強,父母認為不聰明的小編在台灣絕對會被打壓的死死的,所以我很幸運的到美國研讀高中和大學。大家或許有疑問,我花了八年的時間在美國就讀,為何不在同一個地方繼續把研究所學業完成? 其實小編自己也沒辦法給個確切答案,但我認為新環境能促使一個人學習和成長,所以當機立斷決定來英國唸書。

於是乎我就在這了! 寫寫文章,和你們聊聊我在薩里的日常。希望這個部落格對於大家來說是有趣的,也希望它能帶來幫助。如果各位有任何關於小編或者這個部落格的問題,請盡量提問,當然也歡迎留言指教。






Hey y’all! My name is Cheng-Ning, (Paul) Pao, from Taipei, Taiwan, feeling excited to be your first Taiwan Uniblog editor. Here is a little info about myself. I grew up in Muzha, WenShan district (shout out to my Muzha and Xindian fellas!), where is famous for the education institutions, tremendous amount of Dragon Well tea (Tie Kuan Yin) growers, the one and only Taipei City Zoo, and of course, the iconic rap group WanTong MJ116♥♥.

Since little, I was not good at studying. Therefore, I went to the United States since high school despite that American education seemed more flexible(time wise), and that English is a must these days. I spent four years in Vermont, and four years in Michigan, getting completely used to westernized cultures, as well as everything the United States had to offer. You may wonder how did I end up in the UK after being in the USA for so long. The truth is, I had no idea either, but only knew that  switching to a new enviroment will keep myself growing. Therefore, einie meenie miney mo, UK for graduate school!

So here I am, set and ready to share with you my experience during the time in the Uni. Hopefully, you will find this blog entertaining, and at the same time practical. Please don’t hesitate to tell me about your thoughts on this blog or on the posts, as well as any questions related to the school or myself. Keep coming back, and surely I will keep you updated!


Talk to you soon fellas!

