The “2016”



希望鄉親父老們在跨年的時候玩得盡興也安全。那些未出家門在房裡待著的孩子們,偷偷和你說我完全與你們同在 – 直接睡過跨年的那一刻,醒來就是一個OMG我錯過了什麼??!! 其實也不能怪小編,畢竟近期都沒日沒夜的在忙論文,幾乎沒有餘力再慶祝自己又安全的度過一年(對啦藉口啦我就是又老又無趣好不好?)


小編的新年賀文就差不多到這邊了。對於那些在2015年沒有特別多變化亦或是進展的同學們,別氣餒畢竟我們都在朝最後的目標努力嘛!放慢腳步並且體會往目標前進的樂趣才是最重要的(到底是有多年長在這邊講這些?)  最後還是老掉牙地祝福各位在新的一年心想事成,諸事如意。別忘了在星期一的時候我會和各位短暫的通個電話,那就到時再和各位聊聊囉!





Happy New Year fellas!

Wishing you all the best from the UK. For those who went out, had fun and got wasted last night, hopefully, you had a good day of rest! And for those who didn’t do anything but stayed home, well, you ain’t lonely cuz I was with you 😉 YEP, I slept right through the second between 2015 & 2016 … WAY TOO TIRED to stay with all the peeps.. I know, I’m old and lame.

So have you achieved all your goals for 2015? Any goals for 2016 yet? Mine for 2015 were to graduate from college, and to become leaner. Well, I graduated, so that was set, but sadly I did not become any leaner. Therefore, my goal for 2016 is to graduate from Surrey, and again, to BECOME LEANER!!!

Anyway, hopefully you guys had a blessed time during 2015. Remember that no matter what, we are all on our way to achieving the ultimate goal, so don’t be too harsh on yourself if you didn’t accomplish much during 2015. Finally, wish you all a ton from the UK, and I will talk to some of you guys in three days!


See you later!

