The “Very Beginning”

哈囉各位同學! 不知各位一週過得如何? 小編我呢, 剛結束兩個三千字的論文, 再完成一個兩千字還有一個期末考, 上學期就結束了!!!當然, 忙碌歸忙碌, 還是得抽空和各為連繫感情嘛是不是? 相信上次和小編通過電話的人都知道我很平易近人, 所以AGAIN各位有任何意見或者問題都請以電自郵件方式聯繫我: , 或者直接於我得部落格留言, 我會盡快回覆!

關於這一期的貼文呢, 小編想和大家分享我一開始到Surrey的經驗和狀況. 相信大家都有興趣吧? 有吧? 有吧!!! 沒有興趣的同學呢, 也請你賞賞臉讀一下, 可能無聊, 但畢竟這是我的嘔心瀝血之作, 不看對不起自己嘛.

廢話不多說, 我就不客氣地開始了!

從台灣到英國要差不多17小時的時間, 等坐到臀部痛了飛機就會到了. 當然, 從英國希斯羅(Heathrow)機場到學校還有一小時半的路程, 所以基本上路途艱辛, 各位小心. 可喜可賀的是, 學校的接機人員都非常友善, 而且很樂於回答同學們的問題, 再加上學校接駁車會直接送各位至宿舍並且領取鑰匙, 於此小編強力推薦各位在來的時候要和學校預約接機!

London Heathrow Airport, Terminal three Arrivals (Source: Internet)


我呢在飛行途中是無法入睡的, 所以上了接駁車小編就一路睡到學校. 起來的時候左顧右盼發現學校環境真的很好, 因為在接近十月份的時候依然綠意盎然, 和在美國東北部的十月份有很大的差異. 接駁車行駛至主校區, 把在學校附近住宿(Stag Hill)的學生們拋下之後, 飆車迅速抵達小編的宿舍區 – Manor Park. 接待人員還會確認學生們拿到鑰匙之後才離開, 真是一群訓練有素的孩子. 把行李放進宿舍之後, 小編就去Manor Park附近的超市買床俱還有一些生活必備品, 當然在不算大的空間裡面花了兩小時因為本人的愛好就是超市走九遍. 逛完結束回到宿舍差不多六點了, 時差再加上旅途中實在沒睡多少的鞭策之下, 以光的速度昏厥在床上.

 Staghill complex, University of Surrey (Source: Internet)
Manor Park, University of Surrey (Source: Internet)


隔天小編行程滿檔. 一早先到學校裡辦入學登記並且領到學生證. 因為正值迎新週, 路上有許多像本人一樣的各國學生代表帶團參觀校區. 當然小編並沒有申請參觀, 而是結束登記直接奔往鎮上申請電話號碼(乖孩子們還是申請參觀一下學校呦, 幫助很大! 沒有申請參觀我後面就嘗到苦果. 雖然有很明顯的路標, 但因為路痴的關係, 教室還有重要學校機構完全找不到, 直接剉著等.)

申請完電話當然就又奔回學校申請銀行帳戶(小編申請在學校裡的銀行 – Santandard, 因為對學生來說很方便). 申請帳戶需要英國地址, 電話, 本人資訊還有學校證明過, 有標記住址的文件. 申請完帳戶之後小編就沒有太大的顧慮結束這一回合, 嗯不對是結束一開始到學校需要辦理的事項.

所以基本上小編到學校之後就是一個勁的東奔西跑, 根本來不急了解學校. 有機會的話各位可以申請早點到學校入宿並且參觀校區, 這樣才不會重要時刻像我一樣災係哦!

好啦, 小編到這裡廢話結束了, 相信很多人都已經不耐煩了. 為了讓各位下一次再來讀我的部落格, 決定以下一篇為”學校相關重要資訊等幾個字來誘拐你們嘿嘿嘿. 來喔請同學們拭目以待, 然後預祝各為天天愉快!!!



kind regards





Heyylllo Everyone! How’s everything going for you guys? Mine’s like awesome cuz I just finished most of my papers for the term, woolala hurray!!

So, for this post, I am going to tell y’all about the impression of Surrey when I got here. I know it could be a lil bit boring, but you might find some information that would help you when you get here, so bear with me please 😉


It wasn’t easy to fly 17 hours from Taiwan to the UK, especially when I am the kind who couldn’t fall asleep on air. To add up the pain, that one-and-a-half-hour ride from the airport to the Uni made traveling even harder. Although I didn’t have much good thing to say about the traveling, I did have a good impression of the university due to the fact that the pick-up staffs were friendly and patient after being in the airport for almost the whole day waiting for students. Therefore, I strongly recommend you guys to register for the pick-up instead of transfer between a train and a coach.’

  London Heathrow Airport, Terminal three Arrivals (Source: Internet)


So I fell asleep right after I got on the shuttle, and woke up discovered that I almost arrived at the Uni. It was sunny on the day I arrived, and the environment around the university was freshly green even though it was autumn. The shuttle arrived at the main campus to drop off some of the students that stays in Stag Hill, and then moved to Manor Park for the rest (There are other accommodation complexes, but the students the shuttle picked up were generally from the two above).

 Stag Hill complex, University of Surrey (Source: Internet)
Manor Park, University of Surrey (Source: Internet)


 So the shuttle dropped me off at Manor Park reception, which were full with students due to the heavy request for check-in, but the staffs were really efficient on progressing those requests, therefore, I got my room keys in no time. Dropping off my luggage, I went straight to Tesco for beddings and daily needs, spending 2 hours in that rather little  supermarket cuz I enjoy looking at new groceries. Finishing shopping, I went straight to bed due to the jet lag.

On the following day, I went to the Uni and get myself registered for school.  The week I arrived was the orientation week, which every incoming fresher has their own schedule of registering with the school, and introduction of their subject. You know, I am not good at following the schedule. The very first thing I did after registration was to go to the town and apply for a phone number (it’s a must for everyone isn’t it? I still recommend you to follow your orientation schedule, so that you won’t miss out any important information ;). Afterward I went back to the bank (Santander) to apply for a bank account. You need your phone number, UK address, a certification of the living address, and your personal information. Finally, everything that was consider urgent to me had been completed, and so my life in the Uni had officially begun.

This is pretty much what happened when I first arrived; I know, I know, it might be redundant and boring, but I am still glad to share my very first time with you. In order to make all of you to come back for my blog, the next post will be “the handy information of the school“. Yeh? Yeh? You must be interested in this one huh? So please stay tuned, and I will put up the post as soon as possible! Have a very good day y’all!


kind regards,


