Living in Guildford.




結果孰不知Guildford不僅是個風光明媚的小鎮,還是個應有盡有的小小小都市呢!基本上需要的東西在我們可愛的鎮上都可以買的到。例如:台灣最近很夯的香水jo Malone,或是平價服飾H&M or ZARA甚至連無印良品都有呢!當然還有英國本土品牌Superdry,其他的小編就不一一列舉了,你們來再自己看好嗎:)

其實呢,小編覺得在Surrey唸書的好處之一就是生活消費沒有倫敦來得那麼高,但是又離倫敦很近(坐火車約40分鐘),所以那些省下來的房租錢就可以在有空的時候甚至是boxing day去倫敦買買買。


小編接下來要和大家分享Guildford怎麼慶祝節日的,那小編就用Bonfire Night來做舉例好了,所謂的Bonfire Night又稱Guy’s Fawkes Night有人翻譯成火炬節,又或者是煙火節。在每年的11/5號英國人會聚集燃火焚毀Fawkes的肖像與人偶,最後施放煙火慶祝。而為什麼大家會那麼討厭這位Guy Fawkes甚至想燒燬他呢?原來是因為在西元1605年11月5號的時候Guy Fawkes不滿英國限制宗教的自由,所以本來打算一把火燒了剛好落成的國會大廈及裡面的國會議員,還有當時的英國王詹姆士一世。不過這計畫最後失敗了,詹姆士一世決定把11月5號訂為Bonfire Night並且點燃營火慶祝那晚逃過一劫,因此這項習俗流傳至今。不同的地區雖然會有不同的方式來慶祝這一天,但基本上都是會施放煙火以及點燃火把,也象徵一年又平安的過去了。

而小編去年剛好有參加到Guildford一年一度的Bonfire Night,如下圖居民們會先在鎮上集合,大家一起點燃燭火然後開始遊街到鎮上的最高點,之後會有施放煙火的秀讓居民可以一同欣賞。



所以有來Surrey的朋友們千萬不要錯過了每年11月5號的Bonfire Night囉^_^

Hello, today I am gonna share something about living in Guildford. Since I study at NCNU in Taiwan and is like a small town and had nothing fun there, so I just thought that Guildford might be the same as Puli. However, I turn out to be wrong, there are a lot of things to do in Guildford. For example,shopping! And there are lots of brands in Guildfordthe such as , the perfume jo Malone that is popular in Taiwan now, and even H&M or ZARA,also the British brand Superdry, so on. I really think living in Guildford is good because the living cost is not as high as in London, so the money we save can be used for shopping. Shh…don’t tell your parents that I teach you this. I want to share my experience of celebrating the traditional event in the UK, so I will take Bonfire Night for example which is also known as Guy’s Fawkes Night. On this day, people will gather around and hold up the bonfire or burn the figure of Guy Fawkes. The reason that people don’t like Guy Fawkes is because he was trying to set fire in the congress, in order to burn the members and the King. Since he thought it was unfair that how the government treat the religion.Fortunately, the conspiracy had been stopped, so 11/5 people will be together and see the beautiful fireworks in order to celebrate that they didn’t get burn. I think it was a pretty cool experience to walk all the way up to the hill with the bonfire and people. After the parade, there was a little firework show for us to watch. If you have the chance to study in Surrey don’t forget to join the Bonfire Night in the 5th of November.