哈囉你好嗎? 我叫Clovely :) Hello, how are you? My name is Clovely, nice meeting you!

哈囉大家好!我叫Clovely,是新上任代表university of Surrey的學生大使!目前就讀Euromasters旅遊旅館管理碩士二年級 (MSc International Hospitality Management, Euromasters)。真的很開心今年有機會申請上擔任學生大使,我們的工作主要就是回覆大家對Surrey的疑問以及每週寫一篇部落格來分享我們在Surrey的生活。

在來英國讀書生活以前,我只有去過倫敦跟蘇格蘭,其實並不知道Guildford在哪裡也不知道在英國的生活會是怎麼樣的感覺,我只知道Guildford離倫敦很近只要坐火車30分鐘左右就到了。第一天到Guildford的時候我真的對這個小鎮是一見鐘情,套用一句成語 “麻雀雖小,五臟俱全” 來形容這個小鎮再適合不過:數不清的商店跟餐廳、local的咖啡廳、劇院、電影院、酒吧/夜店、運動場,還有最重要的火車站 (我之後會寫一篇部落格來寫火車的重要性 🙂 )。學校離火車站走路非常近只要10分鐘,走到市中心 (在英國市中心叫Town centre,Town centre都會有一條最重要的購物街叫High street,幾乎每一個小鎮或城市都會有一條High Street,倫敦的話就數不清啦~) 只要20分鐘真的非常方便!如果不想走路的話也可以坐公車,學校跟公車公司Arriva Bus有合作,所以學校裡有好幾個公車站帶你們來去市中心,而且如果你們以後住在學生宿舍Manor Park或Hazel Farm的話,住Manor park的學生可以購買打折的公車卡,住Hazel Farm就是免費的喔!我之後會再寫一篇關於宿舍的文章 (我去年住在Manor Park,超新超棒超舒服~)。學校裡有很多餐廳跟咖啡廳提供伙食:像是Starbucks (學校有兩間Starbucks,一間在上課的校區,一間在我們非常知名的全英國第二大的運動中心Surrey Sports Park裡面)、Hillside Restaurant (我等等要去那裡吃飯,他們提供超好吃又營養選擇非常多元的學生伙食,重點是不貴~我之後會寫一篇關於Hillside的文章~)、Youngs’ Kitchen (好吃的亞洲料理)、Pizza Man (好吃的披薩)、Lakeside Restaurant (學生經營的餐廳)、Lakeside Cafe (學生經營的咖啡廳)、還有非常重要在圖書館樓下的Simply Fresh小超市 (熬夜在圖書館寫報告都靠它),所以完全不用擔心會沒飯吃!剛剛提到的圖書館也是非常重要的,我之後也會寫一篇文章介紹我們非常美麗剛重新裝修好的圖書館。

所以你們現在大概對學校跟Guildford有一點概念跟想像了,之後我會再慢慢仔細地跟你們說Surrey的學生生活。我的下一篇文章會講為什麼我會選擇University of Surrey唸碩士以及為什麼我想念MSc International Hospitality Management (Euromasters)。




Hey guys! My name is Clovely and I am the new International Studnet Ambassador of Taiwan. So far I’m in the second year of MSc International Hospitality Management (Euromasters). I am really happy to be an international student ambassador this year, our main jobs are answering your questions about the uni and writing blogs every week to share our life here in Surrey.

Before studying and living in the UK, I’ve only been to London and Scotland, honestly, I have no idea where Guildford is and how does it feel like to actually live in England. I only know that Guildford is only 30 minutes train ride from central London. On the first day when I arrived Guildford, I instantly fell in love with this little town, it really has everything we need as students: tons of restaurants and shops, cafes, theatres, cinemas, bars/nightclubs, sports park, and most importantly the train station (I will write a blog about the importance of the train station in the future 🙂 ). The uni is only 10 minutes walk away from the train station, and 20 minutes to town center, really convenient. If you don’t want to walk we also have buses available to drive you from the uni to the town center. If you live in the student accommodations, in Manor Park you can get a discounted bus pass and in Hazel Farm, you can get one free bus pass! I will write a blog about accommodation in the future as well. There are plenty of restaurants and cafe in the uni, for example, Starbucks (there’re two Starbucks on campus, one on campus and the other in our very famous Surrey Sports Park), Hillside (I’m going there later for lunch, really good and cheap student lunch), Youngs’ Kitchen (great Asian food), Pizza Man (great pizza), Lakeside Restaurant (operated by students), Lakeside Cafe (operated by students) and the very important Simply Fresh which is a little supermarket at the ground floor of library, so no worries you’ll definitely find food on campus. I will also write about the library later because it is extremely important 🙂

Now you know something about our lovely campus and Guildford, I will slowly and in detail tell you more about the student life here in Surrey uni in the future. My next blog will be talking about why I want to study MSc International Hospitality Management (Euromasters) here in Surrey.

If you have something special you would like to know about the student life, don’t hesitate to contact us by commenting below or sending us an email so that I can write something you’re really interested in.

Really nice to meet you guys, see you next week! Bye!

The campus tour and me 🙂