Hello Surrey, hello uni! : Move-in Day

Hey guys! 我是另一位今年剛上任的Student Ambassador, Mandy. Nice to meet you all;) 我目前就讀Bsc Film & Video Production Technology,同時也是剛進入大學熱騰騰的Fresher! 由於我之前有在Leeds讀過2年的A-levels,也就是英國的高中體制,可以說是對英國相當熟悉了。因此不管是有關 A-level申請大學的問題還是我目前的大學生活,我都會一一的在Surrey Taiwan Blog為大家解答,有什麼特定的問題也歡迎用校內的台灣email跟我聯絡喔!


感覺昨天才是Move-in Day而已沒想到現在已經是第7週了,時間過得真快:0還記得那天忙著整理房間跟採買生活用品就忙得暈頭轉向了,不過學校依然很貼心了準備免費BBQ給所有的新生,現在想想好多朋友都是在那裡認識的。套一句我flatmate說過的話: I am where the free food is,自稱勤儉持家的我當然也沒有放棄這個機會!

First shopping for Uni @Tesco

Tips: Always search on the FRESHERS GROUPS on Facebook!!! 加入社團加入社團加入社團!很重要所以說3次,所有跟新生有關的活動都在上面,避免成為邊緣人就靠這個了(開玩笑),透過這個社團你可以找到你的flatmate, course mate還有各種group chats,不只是認識新朋友,也有很多學長姐在社團裡面賣二手書,非常有用!

我的宿舍區在Hazel Farm,所以在前往學校BBQ的路上我也遇到了之前在宿舍區group chat聊過天的朋友們。當我們一到達BBQ的場所Wates House已經是人潮滿滿,我們就一邊排隊一邊聊天(記得要隨身帶著你的ID不然會被擋在門外),裡面的氣氛非常好,有舞池舞台還有可以讓你放鬆喝酒的吧台。我們大概排了15分鐘就到達陽台上的BBQ區,這時候我們才發先原來是漢堡夾烤肉排,不過他們出手很大方,肉排疊得高高的也讓我們吃得很滿足。

Friends I met after the BBQ!

我們都會在snapchat hashtag #hazelfarmstruggle 因為要等公車回家,不過因為大家都聚集在公車站牌,這也變成一個另類的social場所。

在我們吃完BBQ之後,我就回到宿舍去見我還沒認識到的flatmates們,非常稀有的,我們是少數的全女生宿舍。很幸運的我有一群人很Nice,很活潑有趣又乾淨的flatmates,每天回家跟他們聊天都覺得很舒壓又有趣。因為都是女生,共同話題也特別多,像是幫忙是對方的衣服啦還有一起化妝,宿舍生活真的很好玩。 Shout out to Hamilton Drive 7 ❤❤❤

最後附上切換成冬季時間所以4點就天黑的Austin Pearce,也是學校最主要的建築和公車站牌,然後期待下個禮拜同一時間(?)的blog吧!

See you guys every Friday!

Mandy xx

Hey guys! I’m Mandy and I’m currently studying in Film & Video Production Technology year 1, which means I’m still a fresher;) Because I have been studied in the UK for my A-levels in Leeds for about 2 years, so I am quite familiar to the environment and culture. Meanwhile, if you have any questions about applying to university from A-levels or my experience in Surrey, do not hesitate to contact to the Surry Taiwan email or comment below, I will do my best to answer every question!

Move-in day was just like yesterday, and the good memories are still in my head. I still remembered it was a really busy day that I will need to unpack my boxes, cleaning the room and buying essentials. However, Surrey did prepared a free BBQ event for the freshers that we can get the chance to meet new people also to get ready for our university life. I believed that quite a few of my friends are all met at that night. Before I came to the UK, I have met some of my course mates and flatmates from the Facebook freshers group.

***Make sure you have managed to join the group that you can get loads of information fro freshers and meet new people, sometime second year students will sell their second hand book in the group as well, which is very useful.

I lived off-campus in Hazel Farm that I got the free bus pass for all the Arriva bus which is very convenient, on the way to the BBQ in Wates House on campus, I talked a lot with my new friends and get close to each other more. As soon as we arrived at the Wates House,  there was already packed but the vide and atmosphere is really nice, we ate the BBQ burger and did some chit chat with each other which makes me feel chill and relax at that night.

Because we need to wait for the bus that go back to Hazel Farm, therefore the bus stop becomes another social area that we can always meet new people anytime, which is quite interesting and funny.

After meeting up with the new friend in BBQ, I went back to my flat and see my flatmates, then I realized that we are the all-girls flat. I am glad that my flatmates are all fabulous and interesting, we spent a lot of time with each other and had a great time. I just want to say that I love my flatmates so much, shout out to Drive 7 ❤❤❤

I am gonna finish here and I will bring more interesting stories and experience next week, hope you guys enjoy viewing my blog, and I will see you in the next blog!

Mandy xx