Christmas Special: Winter Wonderland ❄ ❄ ❄

終於考完了!!!!! 有人看到我喜悅的眼淚嗎? 可以回來的感覺真好(還有毫無罪惡感的偷懶哈哈哈) 這個禮拜終於終於終於要介紹Winter Wonderland了(標題放了3個禮拜😂 )俗話說好酒沉甕底嗎,直接進入主題~

Anyone sees my joy? My exams were FINALLY OVER!!!!! It’s so good to be back to do everything without pressure (and guilty of course) This week is F I N A L L Y the Winter Wonderland chapter (which is in the title for three weeks😂 ) saving the best for the last, here we go~

好所以在Lanka吃完神好吃的蛋糕之後天也漸漸暗了,所以我們就準備前往我們的下一個目的地 – 中國城。身為一個華人,來到倫敦當然要去一趟中國城啊~雖然之前就有去過了,不過每次都來感受一下差不多的家鄉氣息也是不錯的,雖然還是台灣的夜市最好逛了😭 一到中國城我室友也說他根本忘記他還在英國。其實中國城要說觀光也真的沒什麼好看的,重點只有食物,當然,這就是我來到這裡的目的😝  重點是,這次要是的就是“台灣炸雞排“!

Okay so after we went to Lanka fo those delicious cakes, the sky was getting darker and darker so we decided to go our next destination – Chinatown. As an Asian, going to the Chinatown is always a must when you visit London, even though I have been here before, it’s always good to just come around and feel a similar atmosphere as your hometown; my flatmate said she didn’t even remember she was in the UK when she went to Chinatown. To be honest, Chinatown is a place mainly for eating, there’s not really much to see and of course, that’s the only purpose that I went there😬  Guess what, the thing that I am gonna try in the Chinatown this time is the “Traditional Taiwanese Chicken Filet”!

相信每個留學生出國最想念的除了家人以外就是美食了,回台灣只要巷口就買得到的珍奶跟鹽酥雞,現在竟然要千里迢迢跑到倫敦吃😅  這家在中國城開的“好朋友炸雞”應該是唯一一個在英國主打台灣炸雞排的小吃店,身為一個土生土長的台灣人當然要去試試看正不正港囉~小吃店的店面不大,裡面也只有一排面向街道的椅子,不過廚房是開放式的環境也蠻乾淨。結果店員都是大陸人跟外國人讓我點完餐的時候懷疑了一下這裡的雞排到底會不會好吃。我點的是一個10鎊的超大雞排跟我室友一起share,不過他把他分成兩塊我就覺得額…那你其實可以不用叫超大雞排賣兩個便宜一點的普通雞排就好了… 好切入主題,台灣雞排到底好不好吃?我是覺得還不錯,但是不是台灣的雞排哈哈哈,雖然好吃不過就是少了一點甜味(?)反正吃起來不太一樣就對了,不過在我學會如何做雞排以前,有機會來中國城應該還是會來吃😂 不過對於我的外國人室友來講,他非常喜歡雖然我一直強調台灣的更好吃300倍😂😂😂

I believe for all the students who are study abroad, apart from their families the other thing they miss is always the food. Back in Taiwan, you can just walk to the end of the street to get bubble tea and chicken filet, but now I need to come all the way to London to get them😅  The chicken shop in Chinatown is called “Good Friend”, I think it is the first shop selling Taiwanese fried chicken in the UK, as a Taiwanese, I must go there and try if it is really the ‘traditional’ Taiwanese fried chicken! The shop is quite small only with few chairs by the window, but you can see through the kitchen and the environment is quite clear as well. But turns out the staffs in the shop are all Chinese and foreign people, which did make me questioning about the fried chicken after I took the order. I ordered an extra large chicken filet but when I got it, it was just two normal size chicken filet which they could have just sell them cheaper individually… Anyways, is the chicken filet in Good Friend good or not? The answer is, good but not traditional lol, although it is tasty but I feel like it is missing something, probably a little bit of sweetness(?) it was just different from the ones in Taiwan. But I think I will still get them if I have chance to visit Chinatown again before I learn how to make it😬  But my flatmate loves it, although I kept telling her the one in Taiwan is much much more better than this😂😂😂

精彩的來了,就是大家引頸期盼的Winter Wonderland!

出了地鐵站就有各種的告示牌,引導遊客們前往Winter Wonderland的路線,不過我們其實都是跟著人潮走啦哈哈。接近入口的時候人潮還不少就算我們當天去的時候是平日,不過我們並沒有等很久,天氣也不冷,一下子就進去了。所以Winter Wonderland到底是什麼?其實他就是每年冬季限定舉辦在海德公園的德國聖誕市集還有遊樂園,個人覺得來一趟Winter Wonderland絕對可以給你滿滿的聖誕fu,大推👍 ! 話說我一開始還以為遊樂園應該只有一兩個向旋轉木馬一樣的小小設施,結果竟然有超大雲霄飛車,還不只一個😮  不過我們都沒有玩設施因為票價真的蠻貴的,也沒什麼時間排隊。當然到了這種地方,免不了要來當個網霉,我們光拍照就拍不完了,怎麼拍怎麼有fu~

Now the highlights! Winter Wonderland! As we came out from the tube station, there are already different signs showing where and how to go to the winter wonderland, but basically we just followed the people lol. As we approaching the entrance, the crowd was quite big even though it was weekdays, but we didn’t wait for to long to get in and the weather is not too cold which is nice. So what is winter wonderland? It is an amusement park with the German Market and performances in the Hyde Park every year during winter time. I would say it is the best place to get those Christmas vibe in London, everything looks so nice and fantastic! Definitely a must go place👍 The scale of the rides are insane, I thought there will just have few small rides like merry-go-around for kids, but there were huge roller coaster and there were not only one but severals😮  But the tickets for the rides are quite expensive and we didn’t really have to to queue in the line so we didn’t try. But we took bunches of photos in there, it’s a legit wonderland!

其實市集裡面還有很多好吃的德國香腸還有沙威瑪之類的小吃,不過因為我們都吃雞排吃飽了沒有肚子再吃,真的很可惜😥 代表明年可以再來一次!現場的所有小吃只能用現金,我們沒注意到這點不過還是有一些零錢買了吉拿棒,冷冷的天逛著聖誕市集吃著吉拿棒,超級享受,吉拿棒超級無敵好吃😍😍😍😍😍 絕對大推!拜託大家去Winter Wonderland絕對要試試看,雖然有點油不過那個脆皮那個糖粉,真的 很 可 以,講著都餓了,好懷念吉拿棒啊😭😭😭

There were so many different types of street food like German wurst and Shawarma, but we were too full to try any other food after finish the chicken filet, such a pity, but it also means that I can come for wurst next year! We didn’t notice that the German market can only accept cash but we still manage to get some churros with our changes. Eating the oily churros with some sugar powder walking around the market, what else can be better than this! And the churros were AMAZING😍😍😍😍😍  Please try the churros if you jave chance to visit here, they’re soooo good! I miss the churros so much😭😭

在倫敦的這天我很享受也很開心,也謝謝我的室友陪著我玩了一天💗 絕對是目前為止最難忘的聖誕假期!希望你們喜歡我的遊記,那我們就下週見囉~放假啦!!!!!!!

The time that I spent in London was so nice and unforgettable, definitely one of my best Christmas so far! Thanks to my friend who travel with me too, it’s always amazing that there are someone next to you to share things💗  Hope you’re enjoying my trip to London and I will see you next week, reading week holidays here I am!!!!!

Mandy xx