The Adventure: Prelude


“University is not just about researches and studies, it is the time for you to get into the industry.” said by the department manager at the first day we met. His word gave me a really strong impact, and made me to start thinking about the final goal and future expectation of coming into the university.


Choosing an engineering and media related course, is a whole new world and adventure for me. I was like most of the teenagers before, not sure about my future and don’t know where my passion is at. Especially in the traditional Asian education system, we have been taught to learn and study all the subjects just about to get the top grade and go into the top university. But I believe that most of the student don’t really know what they like and what they really want to be in the future. I realized this vicious cycle since I’m year 10, and I would like to make a change.


Luckily, my family is willing and able to support my dream and I did get into the one of the top universities in the UK to study the course I like. It is always important to have passion in everything that you are doing, whether it is for studies or career. I would say that since the first semester is about to finish, I got more passion into my course than before. Also,  the experience and knowledge I have obtained, cannot just been described in words.

第一次上大部分的課的時候,我還蠻驚訝的。我一直都對媒體產業很有興趣,但是我不是只想知道這個產業光鮮亮麗的表面,而是所有的幕後工作。上了課以後,我才知道媒體產業有好多相關聯的原理和知識,並不是只有看起來這麼容易而已。我們每次都會開玩笑說我們明明是電影學系的學生,卻都一直在學工程跟數學:D 但是也是因為有這種課程安排,我們可以很彈性的勝任各種產業的專業領域,還有電影學系特有的創造力跟藝術性。

The vintage TV

It was quite shocked and surprised at first time when I was in the lecture of most of the modules. I am always interested in the media industry instead of only knowing the surface of this fancy industry, the behind scene is the thing that I would like to learn. I didn’t know that there are so many different principles and knowledge are involved in the media industry until having a lecture. We are always making jokes about how funny that we are film student but we are doing all the engineering and math all the time. Because of the layout of this course, we can be flexible within different industries at the same time along with the creative and artistic side of us.

在不同專業的學生修同一門課的時候,會發生很多有趣的事情。我們有和主修Digital Media Art還有Tonmeister (Sound and Music Recording)的學生一起修同幾門課,因為我們都主修不同科系也有不同的看法,所以可以一起發展很多有趣的新idea。像是有影像基礎學和視覺藝術的課,我們是和DMA學生一起上的。每次講到工程原理或是數學,DMA學生都會滿臉問號,不過在畫分鏡表的時候,我們科系的學生都會大崩潰,然而DMA學生已經開始用電腦畫超厲害的插圖。我覺得這個現象非常的有趣,而且我們也可以互相分享新想法和知識,這樣子的組合也可以帶來課程以外的樂趣!

Brain Storming workshop!

The mixture between different courses in the same lecture can sometimes brings out the interesting episodes. We have modules with Digital Media Arts and Tonmeister (Sound and Music Recording) students, because we all have different perspective since we are doing different courses, ideas can be share and develop in several different ways, which is very interesting. We share modules of “Video Fundamental” and “Art of Visual Storytelling” together with DMA students, when it comes to the engineering principles or the math calculations, all the DMA students were like “what?”. But when it comes to drawing the storyboard or writing the script, we are always crying because of our poor drawing on the messy paper, however DMA students can draw their amazing illustration digitally. I found this very interesting and we can always get different thoughts and techniques from each other. The combination between different courses works very good and brings delights outside the course as well.


So I think it is all about the study introduction, I believe there will be more interesting things next semester! Next blog is about the society in Surrey, I will see you next time!!

Mandy xx