而Surrey離Heathrow Airport (倫敦希斯洛機場)車程差不多四十分鐘左右,非常方便呢!
1.艾菲爾鐵塔La Tour Eiffel
乘坐地鐵到蒙馬特先看到的是愛牆 (沒錯就是用幾百種語言寫滿著我愛你的那面牆),再來就是要有心理準備爬上一街又一階的樓梯,其實那裡也是有纜車可以乘坐,但出來旅行偶爾也是得靠11號公車體驗一下當地風情。
小編與室友一行人在地鐵上,某一站有另外一群人也上車了,此時有一個女扒手硬要擠在小編跟室友中間,小編感覺不對因為後面也有一個那個女扒手的同伴不停的在戳小編的衣服(小編不停在內心吶喊後面那個人是不是要偷我東西?!) 此時,小編的室友跟小編說:「小心!你前面那個女的要開你的包!」眼看那個女扒手用她的包把她自己的手擋住試圖想開小編的包,小編整個怒瞪她!他們一行人沒得逞就下車了。多虧小編的室友眼睛非常銳利,小編才不至於淚灑巴黎街頭。
Bon Voyage:旅途愉快 (相信大家一定常常聽到)
Bon jour:早安或你好 (如果大家記不起來晚安怎麼念這個可以從早講到晚)
Bon appétit:享受美食吧(法國真的是隨便一家麵包店都好吃的地方,所以怎能不學這句話呢?)
Merci:謝謝 (有禮貌的人是到哪都受歡迎的)
Oui:知道了的意思 (有時候小編不懂他們在說什麼時就會一直說oui oui來表示我大概明白哈哈)
題外話,我們Surrey有免費的語言課程供大家選擇 (西班牙文,法文,韓文還有其他很多種) 當然英文是一定有的,圖書館有ELSP(English Language Support)的課程讓大家在唸書的過程中不慌亂一步一腳印地充實自己的語文能力。
Today is Christmas Eve, I just came back from France. So I want to share with you a little bit about the travel experience, and also some notes about going to France. One of the reason that I choose Surrey for my master degree is not only because its close to the Heathrow Airport but also I can travel to other Europe countries easily. There are two ways to France, the first one is by Eurostar, the other is by airplane. I went to France with my flatmates, we stayed in Airbnb. Maybe you will wonder why I choose Airbnb instead of the hotels, because we have five people it is not easy to find a hotel that will allow us to add a bed. However, our Airbnb was quite good and big, there are five rooms, if you want to know more detail please ask me. Now, I will share my two favorite places of this trip. The first one is Eiffel tower, which has a romantic story behind. The architect, Eiffel really like building things since he was little. He put a lot effort in it, but he can’t get into a good collage. While he was about to give up, he met the love of his life, Margery. She encouraged him a lot and had the faith that he would become the most famous architect. However, Margery couldn’t see Eiffel success, she passed away. In 1889, to celebrate The French Revolution, the government decided to build a meaning architecture. Eiffel pitched his idea to the government in order to let Margery know he loved her so much. Nowadays, Eiffel tower not only stands for freedom but also represents the romantic love between Eiffel and Margery. When I took a close look at Eiffel tower I just think of cold tall tower, but while I stood far away and saw at a high spot. It was really breathtaking and I couldn’t describe my feeling about it. Especially, I love Eiffel tower in the night since it will lighten up the tower like it is saying the story about the freedom and the true love. As for the second place I love in France, is the view of Montmartre, isn’t it beautiful? You have to climb a lot of stairs to see this wonderful landscape but no pain no gain! It was great when you get there you will hear someone playing the harp and with the view, c’est la vie!However, take care of each other is also important as enjoying the view. I almost got robbed in the metro. A group of people got into the subway between our group, the girl behind me poked me I was still wondering was she going to steal my thing? And my flat mate told me to be careful of my bag cuz the girl in front me was trying to open my bag! I stared at her, and they all got off at the next stop. I was so close to be the victim of theft, so this story tell us that it is really important that don’t go to Paris by yourself but if you really want to go by yourself please be careful. Don’t be afraid that you don’t know how to speak French, Surrey has many languge classes that you can attend the most important is they are all for free. If you are afraid of academic English we also have ELSP (English Language Support) this program will help you step by step. Ok, it is time to say goodbye next time I will share about my Christmas : )