Vice-Chancellor's blog and selected speeches

Updates from the VC’s Office about the work and activities of the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Surrey.

Blog – Scientists, gardeners and higher education: a university’s role in the community

  There is no doubt that universities are facing unprecedented challenges; Brexit uncertainty, pension issues and public debates about the purpose and value of universities.

Speech – 6th Roland Clift Lecture, inaugurating the Global Challenges Forum: Welcome Address, 15 May 2019

Distinguished guests and ladies and gentlemen, good evening to you all, and a very warm welcome to the 6th Roland Clift Lecture, a flagship event of the Centre for Environment and Sustainability (the CES).

Blog – Why Vice-Chancellors have to make difficult decisions now to ensure the future of UK universities

‘To put everything in balance is good. To put everything in harmony is better.’ -Victor Hugo We’ve just celebrated two new milestones in student experience that are already transforming student life here at Surrey. 

Speech – Postgraduate Graduation, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences: Welcome Address, 11 April 2019

  Your Royal Highness and Chancellor, members of the University Council and Executive Board, University staff, distinguished guests, our graduands, and ladies and gentlemen: Good morning! And a very special ‘thank you’ to the Cathedral for allowing us to hold today’s ceremony in this magnificent setting.

Speech – Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing 30th Anniversary Celebration: ‘Can Machines Think?’ Welcome Remarks, 4 April 2019

    Good evening! It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to a truly landmark event: the 30th anniversary of the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing. CVSSP’s impact on campus, and across the globe, cannot be understated. Speaking of the globe – I have just arrived from the other side of […]

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