Vice-Chancellor's blog and selected speeches

Updates from the VC’s Office about the work and activities of the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Surrey.

Speech — First Annual Daphne Jackson Day Celebration (Online), Welcome Remarks, 18 November 2020

Good afternoon! Welcome to our online celebration of the inaugural Daphne Jackson Day. We had hoped to be able to welcome you in person, but I think we are all getting used to finding new ways to share our knowledge and passion. The past nine months or so have made necessity once again the mother […]

Speech — Online Launch of “Charting Surrey’s Post-Covid Rescue, Recovery and Growth” Report, ESRC Festival of Social Science, Welcome remarks, 12 November 2020

Good evening, and welcome! May I extend a particular welcome to Lord Philip Hammond, Chair of the Future Economy Surrey Commission that authorised the report we are launching this evening, to members of the Commission, and to Tim Oliver and other representatives from Surrey County Council.  I would also like to acknowledge the attendance of […]

Blog – Surrey and Covid-19: reflections on our response and the future

“You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.” – Eleanor Roosevelt As I write this, our country is still in lockdown, with all social distancing measures in place for another few weeks at least. This pandemic’s […]

Blog — BAME student experience and attainment: personal stories of mentors, allies and voices

As I write, the world is facing the extraordinary challenges brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. Its impact on our lives is unprecedented.  Events of even a few weeks ago now seem to belong to the distant past.  However, seldom has it been more vital to maintain a positive attitude in the face of uncertainty. […]

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