Difficult Experience in the UK

Sunny Day at Surrey

みなさん、こんにちは。今日はイギリスへ来て苦労したことについて、その解決策とともにご紹介します。今回取り上げるのは全部で3つ。国民保険番号(National Insurance Number)の取得、国際郵便小包にかかる関税、水道の蛇口についてです。

はじめに国民保険番号についてですが、これはイギリスでアルバイトをする場合に必ず必要となってくるものです。まずアルバイトが決まったら(決まる前でも、なるべく早い段階で)、大学のStudent Service Centreへ。申請手順が記載された紙を渡されます。その手順に従って、National Insurance allocation service (0345 600 0643)へ電話をして申請用紙の取り寄せを行います。電話口で住所を正確に伝えるのは至難の業で、特に担当者が強いアクセントで話す場合は何度も確認をする必要があります。実際、私の場合は苗字のイニシャルTをPと間違えて聞き取られていました。その後約一週間で用紙が自宅に届きます。全部で8ページの用紙を記入し、1)パスポートの写真ページ、2)現在有効なResidence Permit、3)以前にイギリスへ入国したことがある場合はその書類のコピーを同封して返信用封筒に入れて返送。約4〜6週間で番号が手元に届きます。私の場合は4週間で届きました。




Hello, everyone! Today, I will talk about some negative experiences I had in the UK and introduce how I dealt with each of them. The following three matters are covered; acquisition of National Insurance Number, tax for the goods sent from abroad, and separated taps in the sink.

If you intend to work in the UK, you need to apply for a National Insurance Number. When you get a job (or even before that), go to the Student Service Centre on campus. They give you a piece of paper with all information about the procedure. Following the instruction, call the National Insurance allocation service (0345 600 0643) and ask for the application form. Telling them your name and address correctly over the phone is not the easiest, especially if you are a foreigner and they are not familiar with your name, but it is important to make sure they get your name right. After a week or so, the form is sent to you. As soon as you receive the form of 8 pages, fill it in and send it back to the office along with 1) personal details page of your passport, 2) current UK entry clearance visa, and 3) all previous UK entry stamps and visas. If everything goes well, the National Insurance Number is sent to you by post in about 4-6 weeks.

I had no clue about tax and customs for the goods sent from abroad, so I was surprised when I received an unfamiliar letter one day. The letter said “You have been sent a parcel from overseas, delivery of this parcel to you is subject to payment of Customs charges raised by Border Force on behalf of HM Revenue & Customs.” I was aware that my mother had sent a Christmas box about a week ago, but nobody has ever told me that there would be any charge for the customs! Apparently, the charge was 35.06 GBP and I had to pay for it. According to the UK government webpage, you need to pay VAT on goods sent from non-EU countries if they are 1) gifts worth more than 36.00 GBP, 2) other goods worth more than 15.00 GBP, 3) alcohol, tobacco products, and fragrances of any value. My mother reported honestly that it was a gift, and moreover, she declared higher than their actual prices, just to be on the safe side (this is very Japanese of her, by the way!). Because of her honesty and carefulness, the customs charged the parcel this time. As a solution to avoid the worst situation, we could 1) declare that it is a “personal belonging” and not a “gift”, and in case it is a gift, we try not to send goods worth more than 36.00 GBP, 2) try to declare as less as possible, without lying to them, of course.

Finally, the two-tap system in this country keeps me puzzled and I never understand why they install this even in new houses. There are usually two separated faucets found in the sink, and the cold water comes from one and the hot water from the other. The cold water is freezing cold, and the hot water is boiling hot; basically, you don’t want to touch either of them with your bare hands. I have been struggling over 3 months now, but unfortunately there is no solution for this. I usually use both at the same time for doing the dishes, hot water for washing my face, and cold water for brushing my teeth. Bear this weird custom in mind if you’re planning to come and live here in the UK!

My next post will be the last one in this year. I will summarize my experience and talk about the things I have learnt both from my academic and private time.