String-Maths UK to be held at Surrey in 2013

String-Maths UK will be held at the University of Surrey on 10-11 May in the Surrey Space Centre, organized by Martin Wolf and Jock McOrist at Surrey in collaboration with Sakura Schafer-Nameki (Kings College London) and David Berman (Queen Mary College London). The main aim of the conference to is to bring together mathematicians and theoretical physicists working on ideas related to string theory and quantum field theory.  Many ideas in physics have led to new and exciting developments in mathematics. Conversely, mathematics has led to new and powerful techniques that have rendered many problems in string theory soluble. The conference will bring together researchers working at the intersection between these two fields to summarize current developments and explore future research directions. The meeting will be largely informal with plenty of time for discussions. The website for the conference is here. The conference is supported by a grant from the London Mathematical Society LMS.

In the past, similar meetings have been held under the title of FPUK (Fundamental Physics UK) in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011.