Winter Is Coming!

Hello everyone. As you can guess form the title above Its been snowing recently in Guildford and all over the UK. This is due to snow storm which is deemed to be the worst snow storm in 50 years. This week we saw our first snowfall since November, luckily nothing too heavy, hear in Guildford, but gives a nice winter-feel.  I think its better if you guys see for your self the campus covered in snow.

View outside my room!

Picture of the Lake

As you can see the snow is not that bad, however it is expected to get worse as the week progresses. So as a student who does not see much snow growing up what do I do? Well from a universities perspective it is business as usual. The University tries its best to make sure that all services are working all year round now even if the weather get really bad i.e. we don’t get days off  just because its snowing.

How to prepare for the snow

Well you need to layer UP!! When you arrive to the UK one of the first things you should do is shopping for winter clothes. This will prepare you for when for cold snowy days like the ones we are having. Also I find that hot beverages tend to help so go to Starbucks and get your self some hot chocolate!

Till next time. Hopefully the snow will not get any worse by next week.
