A New Year

So another Christmas/New Year has passed and it is now 2016. Unlike last year, I had the opportunity to go back home to Canada for the holidays which was pretty awesome. Since we have exams in January, I did spend the latter half of my holiday hard at work and revision. The first two weeks of it were pretty satisfying in terms that I got to see all my friends and family after such a long time. A lot of Christmas/New Years parties were also due, and all in all, it was a nice relaxing break for me.

(we also now have a new family member: he’s a 3 month old kitten! Training him and playing with him was such a blast, and did not help my revision one bit. I miss him more and more every day now that I’m back in the UK)


Anyway, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve been back in Guildford. Exams are now over and done with (yay!) and I would just like to say how liberating it is to not have to stress about revision every day, and to not spend my days making the library my second home. However, I still get that guilty feeling when I sit down to watch Netflix now… it just FEELS like I have to be studying but in reality, I am well and truly free until the 8th of Feb

In another exciting news I’m headed to Scotland this Sunday (Edinburgh to be exact) with a couple of friends. I am actually realy stoked for this as I’ve never been before and although I know it rains there (alot) I can’t wait to see everything in the city. We leave on the 31st and come back on the 4th. I feel like after all the hard work at uni, we deserve to have a nice, relaxing break.

Semester 2 starts on the 8th of February and I actually am looking forward to my new modules. They sound pretty interesting and there are some new subjects I have never had before, so I think it’ll turn out to be a nice rest of the year

It is a clear, sunny day today in Guildford (although it is chilly, so layer up!) and I think I and a few friends are going to go look at places in town that we have never been to before. When it clears up, you take full advantage of it!