Extracurricular activities on campus

Hello again! Today I wanted to share with you my experience in finding extracurricular activities at the University of Surrey. There are many great events at the beginning of the school year where students can get information on all the different clubs, societies and sports teams that are on campus, two of which are the Freshers’ Fair and the Active Freshers’ Fair. At these events many of the different clubs, societies and sports set-up booths for you to learn about the group and find out how to get involved. I was amazed at how many options were available to students – from the Bake Society to the Bridge Society to the International Womens Society to the Sub-Aqua Club and so many more! (https://www.ussu.co.uk/ClubsSocieties/societies/Pages/Society-Websites.aspx). I was also so happy to see all the sports teams that we could try out for as well – there was canoe, netball, karting and triathlon to only name a few (https://www.ussu.co.uk/ClubsSocieties/Sport/Pages/Club-Websites.aspx).

I was personally most excited about the Ladies Football (aka soccer) and I was delighted to hear that they were inviting everyone to come out to practice. It was amazing to see the turnout of over 50 girls that were interested in playing. How it has been working this year is that everyone is welcome to practice and those who show skill and/or commitment have the opportunity to play in the league and cup games. We practice for 2 hours on Sundays and Tuesdays, have circuit training on Friday mornings (bright and early), get to participate in strength and conditioning sessions every few weeks on Friday night and finally, we play on Wednesdays. It has been an amazing way of keeping in shape and getting out of the house to get some fresh air. I am still so happy to see that more than 40 girls are coming out to practice! Back home we would have to merge age groups together to get enough girls to form a team so it is so good to see that so many girls also love football/soccer. Joining a team is an amazing way of making new friends a great way to exploring more of the country on away games.

The first picture is at the Surrey Sports Park which has really great quality pitches and the second was taken in Brighton after an away game.

I am a big advocate of joining a sport team whether it be because you’ve always wanted to try or that you have always played because it really is a good way of staying active and getting out of the school routine. Beyond sports , many clubs and societies have also peaked my interest like the Yoga Society and the Disney Society – I might have to give both of these a go after Christmas.
