Welcome freshers!


Hello guys, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog 😅And the new academic year is about to start! Feels like me being a fresher is still yesterday and now I’m a senior 🤭Do you remember the series that I made for the freshers week? If ya’ll freshers want any tips from me, go check the  former blogs!


是時候來交代我這段時間都做了什麼了,我和朋友們趁著復活節假期間出去旅行,當然也趁著放假清閒的時候多打了一些工🤑但是暴風雨前夕總是寧靜的嘛,放完假之後全部的報告和考試都一起來了⋯⋯ 全部的考試和作業都是在放暑假前的一個月指派的,我可以說是面臨我人生的一大危機哈哈。我總共要在這一個月的時間完成8項報告,事情多到不知道怎麼開始。我們還向系主任‘小小的’反映了一下作業量,不過他也給了這樣的回覆:「這只是讓你們提早體會這個行業以後會遇到的情況啦~😉」謝謝教授我們還是先做作業去🤗 最後還是有都準時完成啦,不過也讓我意識到提早規劃的重要性。

So it’s time to revel what I did when I disappeared lol, I enjoyed my spring break traveling with my friends and do some part-time work for sure🤑You know it’s always calm before the storm, after having a relaxing vacation, works came in one time… Projects, assignments and exams are all assigned at the same time when it is already a month before summer. That was be seen as the first crisis in my whole life, I have to finish 8 assignments within a short time. Things are just overwhelming that I didn’t even know when to start. We did have a small complain to the course coordinator and the answer was ‘It’s like a trial before you go into this broadcasting industry😉’ Although I did manage to go through the hard time haha, still reminds me to plan everything in advanced.

The view form the library when I was suffering lol

我們其中一項報告是為學校的社團拍攝宣傳影片,這也是我花最多心力和時間的一項。不過能真正開始運用課堂上學的技術還是讓我蠻興奮的~我選擇拍攝的社團是學校的熱舞社‘Surrey Dance Squad’,因為我不但是社員,平常也很愛看一些拍攝剪輯都很精美的舞蹈影片,這次終於有機會讓我嘗試了!不過在考試時間找人來幫忙拍攝還有搶在同學之前借到器材,其實也是經歷了一陣混亂😅雖然我是第一次拍攝這麼多人的影片也有很多需要改進的,每個人都很合作也很熱情地讓我完成了這次的拍攝。或許在一些技術面上我還沒有那麼成熟,不過相信二年級還有更多可以讓我學習的。除此之外,到處幫忙同學拍攝也讓我看到了每個人拍攝的不同風格和想法,其實真的還蠻啟發我的,也真的非常有趣。

One of our assignment is to film a promotion video for the society, and it did took the most of my time but still excited that I can finally start the actual thing! I chose to film the Surrey Dance Squad since I’m a part of them and I absolutely love dancing. Finding people to film for my assignment during the exam period did take me a lot of time along with getting the equipment out before my course mate! It was my first time to film such a big group of people but everyone were very cooperated and passioned, really appreciate them to help me finishing the assignment. Although after the filming and editing, I still need to improve a lot, but I believe I’ll learn more in second year! Helping out with others filming also let me see loads of different ideas and it was lots of fun.

Sneak peak of the promo that I helped out!


Apart from the studies, during May and June period, the weather was so so nice that I do start to curious am I even in England🌞It’s quite interesting that there are still some activities during the exam period in such a great weather, student union held an event for two days for students to picnic, watch performance and films by the lake. It was real relax just to chill for a few hours and keep on suffering haha😆Although the event was too popular that the portable toilet was overloading 💩 But seeing everyone sitting on the grass and drinking beer do remind me of my freshers’ week, oh man I just love summer❤️

Another film in summer night!

大家每次都在抱怨Hazel Farm有多偏僻多不方便,包括我啦。不過在夏天的時候你怎麼能拒絕宿舍後院的草皮、陽光跟松鼠呢!我也是第一次在戶外和我朋友一起讀書喝酒享受了一下午的平靜,直接上癮了~但是在台灣我應該會被熱死在被蚊子叮死吧哈哈!

People always complain about how far and inconvenient Hazel Farm is, including me. But how can you not love the grass, sunshine and squirrels in your flats’ back yard! Having my first out door study/drinking session with my flatmate, absolute obsessed❤️Though I could never do it in Taiwan because of the heat and mosquitos haha.


My backyard!


Sorry for not giving you new story constantly, please stay tune for my recent update before the new semester begins! More tips and life hacks are coming through, see you at the next article😊

Mandy xx