Surrey meets Africa

An insight into life at Surrey from current African students

The Bays

Hello again! For those of you unsure what is going on, I am currently reminiscing on my time here in Wellington and, thus, blogging about my several adventures around the city. So far, I have been hiking and rock climbing on the Kapiti Coast, and explored the many beauties of the Miramar Peninsula, all summarised […]

The Miramar Peninsula

BE WARNED: Long Post Ahead (but several pictures to help get through it!)   In an attempt to make the most of my remaining time here in Wellington, I have for the last couple of weeks been galivanting around the region with the ultimate goal to make sure I hit every major spot before I […]

Making the Most of Your Time Abroad

Hello again!   Today I thought I’d talk about being abroad a little bit, and offer my tips for travelling to different places. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit a few different countries around the world and a whole host of exciting cities, and each time there’s a few important things I like to make […]

The Road Trip of a Lifetime (Part 2)

Hello again! For those who have been keeping track, welcome back to my incredibly long and rambling account of the best two weeks of my life. For those wondering what I’m on about, perhaps pop over to my previous post to gain some backstory. When last I left you, we had just finished the painstaking […]

The Road Trip of a Lifetime (Part 1)

These past few weeks here in New Zealand have quite possible been the best of my life and have seen me do some pretty incredible things. As mentioned in my previous post, I recently went on a two-week road trip during the Easter break of my semester here and though I may be living of beans […]

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